Edited by JS 2/20/25

Group Health & Life
For Political Subdivisions

Group Health and Life insurance plans for municipalities, school districts, and other political subdivisions of the State.

Under Alaska Statute 39.30.090(a)(3) , a governmental unit (a municipality, school district, or other political subdivision of the State) may elect to participate in the State-sponsored Political Subdivision Group Health and Life Insurance plan.

Coverage is mandatory for all eligible employees and optional for their dependents.

The following employees are eligible for coverage:

  • Permanent full-time employees that work at least 30 hours a week on a regular basis. Coverage becomes effective on the 31st consecutive calendar day following date of hire.
  • Permanent part-time employees that work at least 15 hours a week, but less than 30 hours, on a regular basis may elect to participate. If elected, coverage becomes effective on the 31st consecutive calendar day following date of hire.
  • Elected or appointed officials who receive a salary. Coverage becomes effective upon taking the oath of office.

Your eligible dependents for health insurance benefits include:

  • Your spouse. You may be legally separated but not divorced.
  • Your children from birth up to age 26, who are not eligible to enroll in any other employer-sponsored health plan.
  • Your children age 26 and older who are incapable of employment because of a mental or physical incapacity. The incapacity must have existed before age 19 and the children must meet the definition of children:
    • Your natural children, stepchildren, foster children placed through a State foster child program, legally adopted children, children in your physical custody and for whom bona fide adoption proceedings are underway, or children for whom you are the legal court appointed guardian;
    • Unmarried and chiefly dependent upon you for support;
      • You must provide the Claims Administrator with evidence the incapacity exists including proof: the incapacity existed before age 19 and of financial dependency. Children over age 26 are covered as long as the incapacity exists and periodic proof of the continued incapacity may be required.

Children that have access to their own employer group plan must enroll in that plan rather than their parent’s plan.

You must notify the Plan Administrator in writing within 60 days of the date your child no longer meets the eligibility criteria.

If you and your spouse/partner both work for the State, you may both be eligible for coverage as employees. You may also be covered as a dependent under these plans. Similarly, a child can be covered as a dependent of more than one employee.

Employers may elect to participate in a program which includes Supplemental Life, Critical Illness, and Disability Insurance as well as the Supplemental Annuity Plan (SBS-AP)

In order to participate in the SBS, a political subdivision or public organization employer must belong to the State of Alaska Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS). In addition, employees of the employer must meet eligibility requirements for participating in the Federal Social Security system. However, employees of an employer cannot belong to both SBS and Social Security at the same time. If a class of employee working for the employer participates in Social Security, this class of employees must drop participation in Social Security prior to being eligible for participation in SBS. If an employer has a Social Security section 218 participation agreement, that employer will not be able to withdraw from Social Security participation employees who are covered by this agreement.

Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) employees are not eligible to participate in the SBS.

Participation requirements are outlined in the Alaska Statutes, starting with 39.30.150 . Alaska Statute 39.30.170(b) details the administrative steps required in order for an employer to become a member of the SBS. If an employer qualifies for SBS participation, it could join the SBS by resolution of the subdivision's governing board or counsel. A participation agreement would then need to be signed by the subdivision's chief administrator.

To apply for coverage under this health program, a governmental unit must submit a signed Participation Agreement and a certified copy of a resolution to:

State of Alaska
Division of Retirement and Benefits
333 Willoughby Avenue, 6th Floor
Juneau, AK 99801

Following receipt of these necessary documents, the administrator will review for approval of Group Health and Life participation.

The Participation Agreement contains the following provisions:

  • Authorization for health plan participation for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Authorization for payment for all required premiums.
  • An agreement to pay premiums in accordance with the terms set by the plan administrator.
  • An agreement to give at least 90 days advance notice before terminating health plan participation (the administrator has discretion to waive this provision).
  • A provision for an effective date which must be the first day of a month.

For questions regarding Political Subdivision Group Health and Life Plans please contact:

  • Miranda Roberts, Associate Account Manager at Aetna

  • Sonja Rogers, Senior Account Manager at Aetna

  • Visit the Aetna website .

Page Last Modified: 03/08/25 16:30:05