If you and/or your dependents lose coverage due to a qualifying event, you and/or your dependents may continue coverage under the AlaskaCare Retiree plan by electing COBRA coverage and paying the required premium. You may elect coverage under the plan that is the same or less than the level of coverage that you or your dependents had at the time your coverage terminates under the plan.
If you elect COBRA coverage, you will have the opportunity to change your health elections each year during Open Enrollment. You will be mailed a guide to help you through the Open Enrollment process in the Fall of each year. If you need to review your current selections or would like to speak to a customer service representative, please call the Member Education Center toll-free at or in Juneau at .
Eligible AlaskaCare retiree Dental/Vision/Audio (DVA) plan members have a choice between two plans: the Standard plan or the Legacy plan. Visit AlaskaCare.gov/DVA for more information and FAQs.
If you want to change your COBRA benefits, you must submit the Defined Benefit Retiree COBRA Health Continuation Enrollment form.
For additional information, please read the Retiree Health Coverage Continuation Information (COBRA) brochure .
Continued Health Coverage Highlights
- Available to retirees and their dependents who lose coverage.
- Provides for no break in coverage.
- You become ineligible for retirement benefits;
- You die;
- You divorce; or
- A dependent child is no longer a dependent as defined by the Plan.
You or your dependents may continue the same coverage you/they had under the retiree plan. No proof of your good health is required. Coverage under the continuation plan is the same as that described in this booklet. Changes in coverage or premiums applied to the plan will apply to continuation participants.
Length of Coverage
The minimum length of continued coverage you (or your dependent) are eligible to purchase depends on the event which qualifies you (or your dependent) to elect coverage.
Ineligibility for Retirement Benefits
If you lose coverage because you are no longer eligible for a retirement benefit, you may continue coverage for yourself and your eligible dependents for up to 18 months.
If your dependents lose coverage due to your death, divorce, or because they do not meet the eligibility requirements, they may continue coverage for up to 36 months. If this change occurs while covered under the continuation plan because you had already lost coverage, the amount of time they have been covered under the continuation plan is subtracted from the 36-month time period.
Disabled Retirees and Dependents
If you or your dependent are disabled when your continuation coverage begins, or within 60 days of that date, your length of coverage may be extended an additional 11 months. To elect this additional coverage, you must notify the Division of Retirement and Benefits of your status before the end of your first 18-month coverage period and within 60 days of your Social Security disability determination. The premium may increase for the additional 11 months of coverage. Coverage may be terminated if Social Security determines you are no longer disabled. In this case, you must notify the Division of Retirement and Benefits within 30 days of the final Social Security determination.
Electing Coverage
If your retirement benefit terminates or you die, you or your family will be notified of the right to continue coverage and provided with the necessary forms and information. If you are divorced or your child loses coverage, you or your family must notify the Division of Retirement and Benefits within 60 days to receive information.
You have 60 days from the date coverage ends or the date you are notified of your right to continue coverage, whichever is later, to elect coverage.
Premium Payment
If you, your spouse, or dependents decide to continue coverage, the full premium cost must be paid each month. You have 45 days from the date you elect coverage to pay the required premium. Premiums are due retroactive to the date your coverage would have ended. Premiums are due monthly. The current premium rates are detailed below.
When Coverage Ends
Your continued health coverage ends:
- When the required premium is not paid on time.
- When the maximum period for continuing coverage ends.
- If the State of Alaska terminates all group health plans for all retirees.
- If you are disabled under the Social Security Act and have continued coverage for 29 months and you are determined to be no longer disabled by Social Security.
AlaskaCare Defined Benefit & Defined Contribution Retiree COBRA/Direct Bill Rates |
2024 | 2025 | |||||||
Coverage For | Medical | DVA | Medical | DVA | ||||
DB | DCR | Standard | Legacy | DB | DCR | Standard | Legacy | |
Retiree Only | $718.08 | $320.79 | $70.38 | $70.38 | $753.78 | $320.79 | $72.42 | $76.50 |
Retiree and Spouse | $1,436.16 | $641.58 | $140.76 | $140.76 | $1,507.56 | $641.58 | $144.84 | $151.98 |
Retiree and Family | $1,732.98 | $1,170.45 | $199.92 | $199.92 | $1,819.68 | $1,170.45 | $206.04 | $216.24 |
Retiree and Child(ren) | $1,014.90 | $849.66 | $127.50 | $127.50 | $1,065.90 | $849.66 | $131.58 | $137.70 |
Effective date: January 1, 2025 |
DCR rates may vary depending on Medicare eligibility.
COBRA Benefits You Can Change During Open Enrollment
You may:
- Increase the level of coverage to provide for your eligible dependents. For example, you may increase coverage from retiree only to retiree and spouse. If you add coverage for dependents, you must complete a Retiree COBRA Health Continuation Enrollment form and return it to our office.
OR - Decrease the level of coverage to no longer provide coverage for some or all of your dependents. For example, you may decrease coverage from retiree and spouse to retiree only. If you delete coverage for dependents, you must complete a Retiree COBRA Health Continuation Enrollment form and return it to our office.
What You Need to Do During Open Enrollment
Follow these steps:
- Review next year’s premiums. If you need to review the details of your current selections, please call the Member Education Center to speak to a customer service representative.
- Decide if you want to change the level of coverage you already have.
- Decide if you are eligible to add DVA coverage if you are not already enrolled or if you want to update the level of coverage you already have.
- Complete the Defined Benefit Retiree COBRA Health Continuation Enrollment form that was mailed to you, indicating the coverage you would like for the following year. Be sure to list all eligible dependents and sign and date the form. Return it to our office—it must be postmarked or received by the end of Open Enrollment.
If you have questions, please contact the Member Education Center toll-free at or in Juneau at , or by email at .
For additional information, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page or view the Retiree Insurance Information Booklet .