Public Employees' Retirement System
Entered service before July 1, 1986
You are a Tier I employee: Visit the Defined Benefit (DB) Retirement Plan
Entered service after June 30, 1986 but before July 1, 1996
You are a Tier II employee: Visit the Defined Benefit (DB) Retirement Plan
Entered service after June 30, 1996 but before July 1, 2006
You are a Tier III employee: Visit the Defined Benefit (DB) Retirement Plan
Entered service after June 30, 2006
You are a DCR employee: Visit the Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) Plan
Teachers' Retirement System
Entered service before July 1, 1990
You are a Tier I employee: Visit the Defined Benefit (DB) Retirement Plan
Entered service after June 30, 1990 but before July 1, 2006
You are a Tier II employee: Visit the Defined Benefit (DB) Retirement Plan
Entered service after June 30, 2006
You are a DCR employee: Visit the Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) Plan
AlaskaCare Employee
The following employee groups are entitled to the AlaskaCare Health Benefits provided by the State:
- Confidential
- Correctional Officers
- Marine Engineers
- TEAME (Mt. Edgecumbe Teachers)
- Supervisory
- Unlicensed Vessel Personnel/Inland Boatmen's Union (IBU)
- Employees not covered by collective bargaining (Exempt)
Full-time Employment
Health Insurance coverage is provided to all full-time permanent/probationary, and full-time long-term non-permanent employees and their eligible dependents beginning on the 31st consecutive calendar day of employment. Half of the employee's portion of the pretax premium is deducted each pay period. Leave without pay taken within the first 30 days of employment may postpone the coverage until you are in pay status for 30 consecutive days. You must elect coverage within 30 days of your hire date, or you will be enrolled in the default plan.
Part-time Employment
If you are a permanent/probationary part-time employee, and you are scheduled to work at least 15 but less than 30 hours per week, you are eligible to participate in the AlaskaCare Health Plan. To participate you must elect coverage within the first 30 consecutive calendar days of employment. You are required to pay one-half of the employer portion of the premium as well as the employee's portion. If elected, your health care benefits will be effective on the 31st consecutive day you are in pay status. Leave without pay taken within the first 30 days of employment may postpone the coverage until you are in pay status for 30 consecutive days.
Union Health Trusts
State of Alaska employees only
The following employee groups are covered by Union health trusts and should contact the trust for details and enrollment in health benefits. Please note all trusts, except Labor Trades and Crafts, are eligible to enroll in Voluntary Supplemental Benefits provided by the state.
- General Government (GGU)
- Labor, Trades, and Crafts (LTC)
- Public Safety Employees Association (PSEA)
- Masters, Mates & Pilots
General Government Union Full-time Employment
Your association participates in the ASEA Group Health Trust. Upon receiving the GGU Health Notification Form, the Heath Trust will mail you an enrollment packet. Health care benefits will be effective the first day of the calendar month following 30 continuous days of employment. Leave without pay taken within the first 30 days of employment may postpone the coverage until you are in pay status for 30 consecutive days. Your health benefits selection forms must be completed and returned to the Trust within 30 days of your hire date, or you will be enrolled in the default plan.
General Government Union Part-time Employment
If you are a part-time employee, and you are scheduled to work at least 15 but less than 30 hours per week, you are eligible to participate in the Group Health Plan. To participate you must elect coverage within the first 30 consecutive calendar days of employment. You are required to pay one-half of the employer portion of the premium as well as the employee's portion. If chosen, your health care benefits will be effective the first day of the calendar month following 30 consecutive days of employment. Leave without pay taken within the first 30 days of employment may postpone the coverage until you are in pay status for 30 consecutive days.
Labor, Trades & Crafts (LTC)
Your association participates in the LTC Health Trust. When deductions become necessary, the employee's portion of the pre-tax premium is deducted 50% each pay period. Health care benefits are effective the first day of the calendar month following 30 consecutive days of employment. Leave without pay taken within the first 30 days may postpone the coverage until you are in pay status for 30 consecutive days.
Learn more on the Labor, Trades, and Crafts (LTC) webpage .
Under Alaska Statute 39.30.090(a)(3) , a governmental unit (a municipality, school district or other political subdivision of the State) may elect to participate in the State-sponsored Political Subdivision Group Health and Life Insurance plan.
For more information about the plan, administered by Aetna, visit Aetna’s website.