Edited by JS 2/20/25

Employer Reporting

Web-based applications for participating employers to report required employee information.

Technical Difficulties

If you experience any technical difficulties, contact your programmers directly for system errors first. Then, if technical difficulties are still occurring, please report the errors to your Division payroll contact or to . Additional information such as screen prints and error messages are most appreciated and will assist us in quickly resolving any issues. Please include your employer number and name as well as a phone number for you and/or your programmers when emailing this correspondence. You may contact your DRB payroll processing point of contact linked above if you are unsure of the nature of the errors.

Reporting Requirements

If you have questions regarding the reporting requirements, please contact our Payroll Processing Supervisor at extension 5715 ( in Juneau), or email .

Employer Payroll Contacts

Visit the Payroll Processing Contacts page to find your point of contact with the Division.

Counseling Services

Visit the Counseling Services page to schedule an appointment with a benefit counselor.

The Employer eReporting User Guide provides instructions for using the Employer eReporting system. This web-based system provides employers who participate in the Alaska Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) and Alaska Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) plans an electronic method for reporting required information. This application allows employers to report required information for both Defined Benefit (DB) members and Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) members as defined by Alaska Statues and Regulations.

Employer eReporting is available during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alaska Time Monday through Friday). While you may be able to access the system outside of those hours, access is not guaranteed. The system will be maintained and updated during non-regular business hours (5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Alaska Time Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday).

The Employer eReporting uses multiple layers of security to ensure that all private information remains private. Layered security is a best practice that combines several different components which enforce security such as firewalls, secured servers, web traffic encryption, and security credentials. For web applications this means that the security starts at your browser by encrypting your conversation. You will see the small "lock" icon at the bottom of your browser window that indicates a secured conversation.

The server itself is behind the State firewall and located in a secured area in the State Data Center. Access to the system requires credentials in the form of an authorized user name and password. Users of the system are granted specific Roles to ensure that they only have access to specified information. All information at all layers required a valid credential for access or update. Further, the banking account number is encrypted in the database using a "banking" password supplied by you. The "banking" password is NOT stored in the system. The "banking" password is required for any banking transaction. The only one who knows your "banking" password is you. If you forget the password associated with a Bank Account, then you will have to recreate the account. By using these levels of security, not even the Employer eReporting administrator has access to your bank account number.

LogonID Request

An Employer Services LogonID Request form needs to be submitted to the Division for the following reasons:

If you are having problems logging in or have forgotten your UserID or password, please contact your DRB Payroll Processing Contact.

ERS Validation Errors

Validations for eReporting are still in progress. Checking the ERS Validation Errors before you validate your payroll will let you know what is currently being checked. New validations will be added over time.

Payment Options

  • Check: mail a check directly to the Division of Retirement and Benefits
  • Electronic Payment: Employer eReporting electronic payment – select the name of the account you want to use from the list to make an eReporting electronic payment. This option requires Banking Tab setup.
  • No Payment: this can only be used if pre-approved by the Division of Retirement and Benefits

Banking Tab Setup

The full access rights user will have the authority to setup the Banking Tab for the eReporting Electronic Payment option. Please call your payroll contact for assistance.

  • The password is linked to the Account not the UserID.
  • The password is not maintained by the Division or stored in the application – The Division cannot reset the password.
  • If the password is forgotten you can delete the account and setup a new Account.
    • Account deletions do not require a password.
    • Each time a new account is set up or changed a pre-note has to successfully process before the account can be used for payment, this may take up to 7 business days.

Late Payrolls

  • All payrolls and money are due to be transmitted to the plan no later than 15 days after the payroll issue date
  • An email reminder will be sent to the payroll contact.
  • 30 days late - A certified letter will be mailed to the payroll contact with a courtesy copy to the Administrator.
  • 60 days late - A certified letter will be mailed to the Administrator.
Page Last Modified: 02/25/25 11:35:42