Edited by LM 2/5/25

Net Pay Estimators

Estimate your net pay for different salaries after tax withholdings and contributions.

The net pay estimator is a useful tool to estimate your net pay under different salaries, federal withholding tax exemptions, and deferred compensation contributions. The Division of Finance maintains the estimator and updates it the first of each year to reflect current federal withholding tax tables.

Download the Net Pay Estimator (right-click below, "Save link as..."), and select your Pay Cycle. Select semi-monthly if you are paid twice per month (24 times per year). Select bi-weekly if you are paid every other week (26 times per year).

Requires the use of Microsoft Excel. Right-click on the link below and choose "Save link as..." (if using a Windows PC) to download.

Each version of the estimator consists of two sheets in an Excel workbook—one with instructions and one with the actual estimator. Follow the instructions precisely. Before using the estimator, enter data from your most recent pay stub to ensure the most accurate net pay amount. Use the same federal withholding data that is on your most recent W-4 submitted to payroll.

If you use the estimator to calculate the effect of different deferred compensation contributions and need additional assistance, email the Deferred Compensation Plan at or contact the Member Education Center. The Division of Retirement and Benefits cannot offer assistance in use of the estimator for anything other than changes in deferred compensation contributions.

To assist you in planning for your retirement we have developed the Retiree Net Pay Estimator to be used in conjunction with the Benefit Estimator found at myRnB.com when you log into your account.

The online benefit estimator can be located by following the steps below:

  1. Go to myRnB .
  2. Sign in using your myAlaska username and password. This is the same username and password you use if you file online for a Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) with the State of Alaska. If you do not have a myAlaska username and password, you will need to establish these credentials prior to using myRnB (Click New User: Register for a myAlaska Account).
  3. Once signed in, you will be taken to the myRnB portal page.
  4. If you are a first-time user of myRnB, you will be asked to identify yourself by entering your Retirement Identification Number (RIN) and your Social Security number (SSN). You will only be asked this information again if you change your myAlaska username.
  5. Once successfully logged in, you will receive a welcome message and the Member Services button. Click Member Services. After the agreement page where you click to agree to terms & conditions, click Continue and this brings you to the page where you can choose what you would like to do.
  7. Enter your RIN and the last four digits of your Social Security Number.

The Retiree Net Pay Estimator is a useful tool which provides an estimate of what your net monthly benefit will be once you retire, based on the tax information you input and optional benefit choices.

Requires the use of Microsoft Excel. Right-click on the link below and choose "Save link as..." (if using a Windows PC) to download.

You can compare your net pay in retirement to your active net pay amount to see how close you are to being able to reach your retirement goals.

If you are already retired, use this tool to estimate the impact of a change in tax withholding, or changes to optional elections such as Long-Term Care or Dental, Vision and Audio coverage.

The results produced when using this calculator are provided for information use only and are not intended to provide an accurate accounting of what your future benefits may be.

Page Last Modified: 03/07/25 18:59:48