Edit by LM 11/26/24

Retiree Dental, Vision, & Audio Enrollment

Learn what changes are coming during the annual enrollment for Dental, Vision and Audio benefits for retirees.


The 2025 Dental-Vision-Audio Open Enrollment Period has ended, if you did not participate in the DVA Open Enrollment, your benefits will remain the same into 2025. After open enrollment closes, you can only make changes in conjunction with a qualified status change or other applicable event. Examples can include a change in your legal marital status or the birth of a child. For a complete list, see section 7.6 of the AlaskaCare Retiree Insurance Information Booklet . You must make changes and report most qualifying status changes or other applicable events within 30 calendar days from the event.

If you have questions about Open Enrollment or your AlaskaCare Health plan, please contact the AlaskaCare Member Education Center toll-free at (800) 821-2251, in Juneau at (907) 465-4460, or by email at .

Retiree Dental-Vision-Audio Benefits

The Dental Benefit Comparison, Dental Benefit Enrollment Guide, and the DVA monthly premium information is available below to help you learn more about the DVA plans.

The DVA plan monthly premiums are set to reflect the overall value of each plan across all enrolled members. The value of each plan varies based on differences in benefit design, network access, and how much the plan pays out-of-network providers.

2025 Retiree Dental/Vision/Audio Coverage Premiums
Coverage Level Standard Legacy
Retiree Only $71 $72.42 $75 $76.50
Retiree and Spouse $142 $144.84 $149 $151.98
Retiree and Child(ren) $129 $131.58 $135 $137.70
Retiree and Family $202 $206.04 $212 $216.24
DB: Defined Benefit Plan | DCR: Defined Contribution Retirement Plan
Effective: Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2025

Page Last Modified: 11/29/24 11:32:36