Edit by LM 2/5/25

Retiree Dental, Vision, & Audio Enrollment

Learn what changes are coming during the annual enrollment for Dental, Vision and Audio benefits for retirees.


The 2025 Dental-Vision-Audio Open Enrollment Period has ended, if you did not participate in the DVA Open Enrollment, your benefits will remain the same into 2025. After open enrollment closes, you can only make changes in conjunction with a qualified status change or other applicable event. Examples can include a change in your legal marital status or the birth of a child. For a complete list, see section 7.6 of the AlaskaCare Retiree Insurance Information Booklet . You must make changes and report most qualifying status changes or other applicable events within 30 calendar days from the event.

If you have questions about Open Enrollment or your AlaskaCare Health plan, please contact the AlaskaCare Member Education Center toll-free at , in Juneau at , or by email at .

The Dental Benefit Comparison, Dental Benefit Enrollment Guide, and the DVA monthly premium information is available below to help you learn more about the DVA plans.

Vision Benefits in 2025

Starting in plan year 2025, AlaskaCare began offering two vision plans with different coverage provisions, the Standard Plan, and the Legacy Plan. The Standard Plan has been updated to include the Vision Service Plan (VSP) provider network, which includes benefit enhancements for certain services, while the vision benefits under the Legacy Plan remain the same as previously offered. The Retiree Benefit Comparison [link to comparison document] may help you compare the plans and decide which is a better fit for you and your family. The AlaskaCare Retiree Insurance Information Booklets will contain the complete benefit provisions for both the Standard and Legacy Plans.

Standard and Legacy Plan Vision Highlights

  • You pay no deductible under these plans.
  • The plan covers one complete eye examination, including a required refraction, per year.
  • The plan covers two lenses during each calendar year.
  • The plan covers one set of frames during every two consecutive calendar years.

Standard Plan Vision

The Standard Plan vision benefit has been updated to implement the VSP provider network. The VSP network provides enhanced vision benefits with reduced copays for comprehensive eye exams, lenses, and frames. Members under this plan will be responsible for copayments and charges for options that exceed the plan benefit. Network providers would determine the member cost share, file a claim with VSP, and only bill the member for their appropriate portion.

Members who obtain vision care from an out-of-network provider will be responsible for an increased share of the costs under the Standard Plan than they would under the Legacy Plan. However, for members who do not have access to a VSP provider within 25 miles, you can contact VSP ahead of time at (800) 877-7195 to verify provider availability and request pre-approval for in-network benefits.

To find a VSP network provider, members enrolled in the Standard Plan can call VSP at (800) 877-7195, or use VSP’s online network provider search tool . A step-by-step guide on how to use VSP’s provider search can be found here.

View the 2025 Standard Vision Plan Summary for detailed coverage information [link to the attached MBS similar to how it is in the dental benefit section].

For more information about the Standard Plan vision benefits, contact VSP at (800) 877-7195.

Legacy Plan Vision

The vision benefits under the Legacy Plan are unchanged. The primary difference is that there is no vision provider network under the Legacy Plan. As such, there are no network discounts, and members typically pay out-of-pocket for vision services at the time they are received and submit manual claims for reimbursement. There is also a fixed cost arrangement under the Legacy Plan’s vision benefit, and no reduced coinsurance for certain services.

For additional information about the Legacy Plan vision benefits, contact Aetna Concierge toll-free at (855) 784-8646.

The DVA plan monthly premiums are set to reflect the overall value of each plan across all enrolled members. The value of each plan varies based on differences in benefit design, network access, and how much the plan pays out-of-network providers.

2025 Retiree Dental/Vision/Audio Coverage Premiums
Coverage Level Standard Legacy
Retiree Only $71 $72.42 $75 $76.50
Retiree and Spouse $142 $144.84 $149 $151.98
Retiree and Child(ren) $129 $131.58 $135 $137.70
Retiree and Family $202 $206.04 $212 $216.24
DB: Defined Benefit Plan | DCR: Defined Contribution Retirement Plan
Effective: Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2025

Page Last Modified: 03/05/25 16:00:44