Edit by LM 2/20/25

Retiree Health Plan
Advisory Board

Learn about the advisory board and find meeting times and materials.

The Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board (RHPAB) was created through Administrative Order No. 336 to facilitate engagement and coordination between the State of Alaska’s retirement systems’ members, the Alaska Retirement Management Board, and the Commissioner of Administration regarding the administration of the retiree health plan.

The eight-member board is a group of individuals that represent you, the retirees. The Board shall consist of eight voting members, and one ex-officio member.

  • One member who is an ARMB trustee under AS 37.10.210(b)(2) .
  • One member who is a human resources official or financial officer employed by a political subdivision participating in the State’s retirement systems.
  • One member who is a Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) retired member, selected from a list of three individuals nominated by retiree groups that represent PERS members.
  • One member who is a Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) retired teacher or member, selected from a list of three individuals nominated by retiree groups that represent TRS members.
  • One member of the State’s retirement systems who is a retired member under PERS Tiers I, II, or III, TRS Tiers I or II, or the Judicial Retirement System (JRS).
  • One member who is an active or retired member of PERS or an active or retired teacher or member of TRS who is vested in the PERS Tiers I, II, III or TRS Tiers I or II retiree plans. If an active member, the person should not be more than five years from eligibility for retirement.
  • One public member who is not a member or beneficiary of the PERS system, the TRS system, or the JRS; this person must have at least five years’ relevant experience and expertise in health care administration, finance, or governmental budget issues, or other background helpful to the Board’s mission.
  • One member who is an active member in good standing of the Retired Public Employees of Alaska (RPEA), selected from a list of three proposed candidates submitted by RPEA.
  • The Commissioner of Administration, or designee, shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board.

You are invited to attend or listen to the meetings, members are always welcome. If you would like to offer public comment for the board to review, send an email to: .

Upcoming Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meetings

May 8, 2025
  1. Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

    • Date: May 8, 2025, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
    • Location: Video Teleconference | Anchorage Atwood 19th Floor Conference Room
    • Conference #:
    • ID#: 592 305 746#
    • Microsoft Teams Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting


Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board - Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting - Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board - Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board - Modernization Subcommittee Meeting


Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board - Special Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board - Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Regulation Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board - Modernization Subcommittee Meeting


Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Regulation Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board—Special Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting


Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting


RHPAB Quarterly Board Meeting

RHPAB Quarterly Board Meeting

RHPAB Quarterly Board Meeting

RHPAB Quarterly Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Subcommittee Meeting


RHPAB Quarterly Board Meeting

RHPAB Special Board Meeting

RHPAB Special Board Meeting

RHPAB Quarterly Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Subcommittee Meeting

RHPAB Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting


RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

RHPAB Modernization Committee Meeting

The board consists of eight members and is supported by the Department of Administration.

Eligibility Statutes

  1. Alaska Statute Sec. 39.35.535

    PERS - Medical Benefits (DB)

  2. Alaska Statute Sec. 39.35.870

    PERS - Eligibility for Retirement and Medical Benefits (DCR)

  3. Alaska Statute Sec. 39.35.880

    PERS - Medical Benefits (DCR)

  1. Alaska Statute Sec. 14.25.168

    TRS - Medical Benefits (DB)

  2. Alaska Statute Sec. 14.25.470

    TRS - Eligibility for Retirement and Medical Benefits (DCR)

  3. Alaska Statute Sec. 14.25.480

    TRS - Medical Benefits (DCR)

Insurance and Supplemental Employee Benefits

  1. Alaska Statute Sec. 39.30.090-098

    Group Life and Health Insurance

Constitutional Protections

  1. Article XII § 7: Retirement Systems

    Membership in employee retirement systems of the State or its political subdivisions shall constitute a contractual relationship. Accrued benefits of these systems shall not be diminished or impaired.

Page Last Modified: 02/25/25 13:20:18