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PERS Newsbreak:
June 2014, Issue 110
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Special Message from Governor Sean Parnell
Alaska is home or has been home to more than 64,000 public employees, teacher retirees, and their dependents. We appreciate their service to our great state. From teachers to troopers, many retirees receive a state pension, one that was promised by the state in the past. We have taken a big step in securing those pension promises.
This session, my administration proposed, and the Legislature unanimously passed, the largest pay down of pension debt in Alaska history, fixing our unfunded liability that had threatened the state’s retirement plans.
In paying down $3 billion of Alaska’s pension debt now, we are ensuring that future generations are not saddled with this debt, while giving retirees the confidence that their pensions from state and local governments remain a promise fulfilled.
By transferring $1 billion into the Public Employees’ Retirement System and $2 billion into the Teachers’ Retirement System from budget reserves, the state will be able to make lower annual payments to the pension plan and better control state spending.
We honor our commitments to public sector retirees, a commitment that other states and large cities in the Lower 48 have been unable to keep because they have failed to act. Paying down the state retirement system debt ensures that both your retirement and vital state services will continue to be delivered into the future.
Post Retirement Pension Adjustment
The 2014 automatic Post Retirement Pension Adjustment (PRPA) will be paid with the July 2014 check.
Division Management Restructuring
The Department of Administration has reorganized the management structure of the Division of Retirement and Benefits. Four chief officers that are subject matter experts in the areas of operations, pension, finance, and health will report directly to Deputy Commissioner of Administration Mike Barnhill. The following people have been appointed as chief officers:
- Chief Operating Officer: Jim Puckett
- Chief Pension Officer: Kathy Lea
- Chief Health Official: Michele Michaud
- Chief Financial Officer: Kevin Worley
This structure helps the Division to better align our business processes with the needs and requirements of you—retired and active public servants—and your families.
Alaska Retirement Management Board Meeting
June 26 through 27
Marriott Hotel, 820 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage
Alaska Retirement Management Board (ARMB) meetings are open to the public. Find minutes of past meetings and meeting agendas… If you have questions, contact Judy Hall, ARMB liaison, at (907) 465-3749.
Retirement Systems Market Value
As of April 30, 2014
- Teacher's Retirement System (TRS)
- $6,131,556,742
- Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS)
- $14,903,385,199
- Judicial Retirement System (JRS)
- $160,960,379
- National Guard/Naval Militia Retirement System (NGNMRS)
- $36,881,759
- Alaska Supplemental Annuity Plan (SBS-AP)
- $3,225,449,561
- Alaska Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP)
- $762,800,882
The information provided on this page may or may not be up-to-date. If you are unsure, please contact us.
eReporting System Update—Fully Functional!
eReporting is now fully functional! New instructions are available now.

AlaskaCare Retiree News, February 2025, Issue 77
Information on the Hinge Health webinar series, eye exams, useful resources, and more.

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Information on BEARS, full backouts, employer contacts, and more.