June 1, 2017
Report from the Field:
Meet Michelle Holland-Zenger
Michelle Holland-Zenger is a Retirement and Benefits
Specialist with the Division of Retirement and Benefits’
Counseling and Benefit Education unit and works in
Juneau. She was born and raised in south Texas. Her
family moved to Juneau late in the summer of 1979 when
her father took a job as an Area Biologist for the Alaska
Department of Fish and Game in the Fisheries
Rehabilitation and Enhancement Division (FRED). After
graduating from Juneau-Douglas High School, she
attended the Oregon College of Art and Southern Oregon State University in Ashland. She lived and worked in the
Seattle area for several years, returning to Alaska in
1990. There she met her husband-to-be and decided
Juneau would be home.
Michelle’s background is in the field of Human Resources
(HR), with experience in both public and private sectors.
She began her career in HR with the Department of Public
Safety, in the recruitment section. Leaving public service
in 2001, she worked in the mining industry for many
years, employed first by Hecla Greens Creek as a Senior
HR Representative, and then the Kensington Gold Mine as
Human Resources Manager. Mining required a significant
commute and a lot of time away from home, so Michelle
made the tough decision to “come back to town.” She
then worked as Special Assistant/Legislative Liaison for
the Department of Labor and Workforce Development
and as an Executive Assistant/Human Resources Manager
with Juneau Alliance for Mental Health. In the HR role of
coordinating and implementing people-related services,
her favorite duties always revolved around positive
interaction with people, including counseling and training
on issues such as company policy, compensation
practices, employment expectations and benefits.
Michelle is pleased to have been selected for the Regional
Counselor position with Retirement and Benefits.
Working on the Benefit Education team allows her to
concentrate on the things she loves—interacting with
and educating people. After being employed by the
Division for a year, she says, “I enjoy meeting people,
listening and understanding what members are seeking
to gain and the ability to provide information regarding
the numerous benefits available. Every time I prepare for
a counseling session, it’s like a puzzle, pulling the pieces
together to make certain I can share information that is
pertinent to each member. It’s very satisfying work.”
She also understands that people make important life
decisions based on the information provided by the
counseling team, “My philosophy has always been to be
honest if I don’t know the answer, and then work
diligently to find it and get it communicated. One of the
things that I enjoy about this role is learning something
new every day.”
Michelle also really enjoys the people she works with.
“I’ve had the good fortune to work with great groups of
people over the years and Retirement and Benefit folks
are no exception. Everyone here has such a high level of
professionalism, and the fact they care about the people
we serve is evident. I hear it in the conversations and see
it in the cooperation to get the member what they need,
when they need it,” she says.
Her best advice to members is to be proactive in
understanding and participating in the benefits offered
by employers. The State of Alaska and many Political
Subdivisions offer excellent benefits for employees and
retirees, and knowing what’s available and how it might
work best for you is key to maximizing those benefits.
She recommends taking advantage of any, and all, of the
tools available—seminars, individual counseling and the
DRB website, to name a few.
These days, Michelle enjoys a healthy work/life balance,
having been married for over twenty years. She and her
husband Adam enjoy gardening, fishing, and cooking
together. “Our favorite meals are the ones where everything
is caught, grown and/or harvested. There is something
very special about eating that way,” she shares. They also
have a three-year-old black Labrador named Ruby, who
is unashamedly spoiled rotten. The three spend a lot of
time in the garden, on the boat, and in the kitchen,
where Ruby will eat just about anything the humans
do—her favorite food is fresh, garden-grown carrots.
Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA): A Refresher
The Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) was established
in 1966 to assist retirees who elect to remain in state to defray
the higher cost of living in Alaska. If you are eligible, you
may receive the COLA in addition to your monthly benefit.
The amount of COLA a TRS member receives is 10% of their
base retirement benefit (no minimum amount).
Who is Eligible to Receive COLA?
If you reside in Alaska after you retire, you may receive COLA
in addition to your regular monthly benefit. TRS Tier I retirees
and their survivors are eligible upon retirement, regardless
of age. All other TRS Defined Benefit Plan retirees and their
survivors are eligible at age 65, and they must apply for
COLA when they are first eligible to receive it. All members
receiving disability benefits are eligible, regardless of age or
date of hire
“Residing in Alaska” means domiciled and physically
present in Alaska. A domicile is that place where you have
your true, fixed, and permanent home and principal
establishment and to which, whenever you are absent, you
intend to return. An absence, which exceeds 90 days,
constitutes a break in residency for COLA purposes. If you become a resident out of state and later return to
Alaska and become a resident again, you are eligible to
receive COLA if you complete and submit the necessary
forms. You will not lose COLA permanently; you can stop
and start it
If I leave Alaska on a trip, will I be entitled
to COLA while I am away?
Yes, you are entitled to COLA during the time you are gone
if you return to Alaska in less than 91 days. Please note
that a period of 90 consecutive days does not start over
with a new calendar year. You may be asked to provide
copies of your travel documentation, which shows your
departure and return dates.
You are NOT eligible for COLA and you are required to
notify the Division in writing (use form 02-824a or your
own written notice) if
- You intend to be gone from Alaska continuously for
more than 90 days;
- Your current absence exceeds 90 consecutive days
(COLA entitlement ends retroactively to the end of
the month of your departure from Alaska); or
- Your principal domicile is no longer in Alaska.
Am I entitled to COLA if I am gone from
Alaska for more than 90 days due to illness?
You may continue to receive COLA for up to 6 months if:
- You intend to be gone from Alaska continuously for
more than 90 days;
- You are out of Alaska because of illness, and
- Your physician certifies your absence is necessary on
a form (gen023) provided by the Division.
If your absence exceeds six months, COLA will stop on the
first day of the seventh month following the date you left.
If your illness began before leaving Alaska, you must make
every effort to notify the Division before departing Alaska.
When does COLA stop and start?
COLA will stop on the first of the month following your
departure from Alaska. If you receive COLA to which you
are not entitled, you are required to repay it to the TRS.
The Division will notify you of your options for repaying
an overpayment. COLA will start again on the first of the
month AFTER:
- You return to Alaska; and
- Your notification (form 02-1896a) is received by
the Division.
If your notification is received or postmarked after the first
of the month, COLA will not start again until the following
month, regardless of your return date to Alaska. To avoid
missing out on COLA benefits, you should submit your
notification as soon as you return to Alaska. You may handdeliver or mail your notification form to the Division. Mailed
notifications must be postmarked in Alaska. Private meter
postmarks will not be accepted. If a postmark date is
illegible, your notification is presumed to have been mailed
five working days before the date the notification is received.
Are there different rules if I am an
alternate payee?
A QDRO can award a portion of this allowance to the
alternate payee in the same proportion as the regular benefit.
Although it is highly recommended the order specifically
address this allowance, in those orders that do not and
where the alternate payee is not receiving a flat dollar amount
of the regular benefit, we will assume COLA is also a shared
entitlement. Eligibility to receive COLA is based on where
the member resides. No alternate payee may receive a
portion of the COLA if the member lives outside Alaska.
TRS Alaska Statute 14.25.210 — A person who knowingly
makes a false statement, or falsifies or permits to be falsified
a record of this system, in an attempt to defraud the system,
is guilty of a Class A Misdemeanor and upon conviction is
punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by
imprisonment for not more than 12 months, or by both.
Still have questions?
Please contact the Division to speak with a representative.
You can find more COLA information and all of the
associated forms on our website here.
Post-Retirement Pension Adjustment
Will Be Paid with July 2017 Check
The 2017 automatic Post Retirement Pension Adjustment (PRPA) will be paid with the July 2017 check. A retiree MUST have been receiving a benefit in the prior year (2016) to be eligible for the 2017 PRPA. Eligible recipients, who have not received pension benefits during the entire preceding calendar year, will receive a prorated PRPA.
The automatic PRPA is payable to a Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) retiree as follows:
- If you are under age 60 and retired for five years or more on or before July 1, 2017, or are a retiree age 60 to 64 on July 1, 2017 who has received benefits in the preceding year, you will receive 50% (0.065%) of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) change during 2016.
- If you are a retiree age 65 or older or a disability benefit recipient, you will receive 75% (0.097%) of the CPI change during 2016.
- The automatic PRPA for survivor benefit recipients is calculated on the member’s eligibility.
The CPI for the 2017 PRPA is 0.130%.
If you do not meet any of the above criteria, you are not
Due to fund conditions, the Division did not recommend
an ad hoc PRPA for 2017. The ad hoc PRPA is defined in
statute as, “…based on the financial condition of the
retirement funds.”
- This example shows a retiree who is receiving a benefit from TRS.
- Your statement will show more than one benefit if you worked for both retirement systems or if you are also receiving a survivor's benefit.
- Prior PRPAs: The combined monthly amount of all PRPAs paid from the date you retired through June 30, 2017.
- 2017 Automatic PRPA: This is effective July 1, 2017, based on the change in consumer price index (CPI).
Example of monthly statement:
Monthly Benefit Summary
Base Benefits | Deductions |
Retirees in Touch:
Joseph and Miriam Walstad
Joseph Walstad brought his wife, Miriam, and youngest
three children to Alaska in 1962, taking the pastorate of
Hillcrest Presbyterian Church on Government Hill in
Anchorage. Joseph and Miriam shifted gears in 1965,
taking course work at the University of Alaska in both
Anchorage and Fairbanks, earning their Alaska Teacher
Certificates and taking up residence near Talkeetna.
Miriam taught school in Talkeetna and Joseph taught at
the school across the river in Trapper Creek, and later
transferred to the school in Willow. The Walstads were
able to build their own home on a forty-acre home site
near Sunshine with their own hands and occasional help
from friends. When away from their responsibilities of
teaching elementary students, one would find them
serving area churches, performing marriages, funerals,
and providing counseling services. On one special
occasion, Joseph was flown along with the wedding
party to a glacier on Mt. McKinley (Denali) where he
performed the wedding ceremony.
After retiring from school teaching in 1977, Joseph and
Miriam devoted more time to travel and serving
churches in remote places. In ‘78, Joseph and Miriam
held Holy Week services in Kaktovik, and the following
year they spent two weeks serving on St. Lawrence
Facing health challenges in 1982, Joseph and Miriam
sold their property near Talkeetna and moved to
Roswell, New Mexico. With health returning, the couple
traveled throughout the “Lower 48” and abroad,
exploring Joseph’s homeland and looking up relatives in
Norway and Sweden. Another overseas trip took them to
Korea and Japan, where they looked up longtime friends
they had made throughout their lives in ministry.
Though certainly not wealthy by the world’s standards,
Joseph and Miriam were able to enjoy retirement and
continue their life of service to others due to the benefits
provided through the Alaska Teachers’ Retirement
system, their own deliberate savings programs, and their
own hard work and life of self-sacrifice.
In October 2015, Miriam departed this life having
reached the age of 99. Joseph, now living with his son in
Las Cruses, New Mexico, continues to live out his days,
making it to church every Sunday and enjoying the visits
of family members. He celebrated his 100th birthday
with a big celebration, planned by his four children, in
April 2017.
We Want to Share Your Retirement Story
We want to share your retirement story with your fellow members. Are you volunteering, traveling, involved in the community or just enjoying life? Let us know where you are living now, what you are involved in, where you were employed, and how your State of Alaska retirement has allowed you to enjoy new adventures in retirement.
You can also mail your stories and photos to:
Attention: Newsbreak Editor
State of Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits
333 Willoughby Avenue
6th Floor
P.O. Box 110203
Juneau, AK 99811-0203.
Please keep your stories to 500 words or less.
TRS Performance in Fiscal Year 2016
The Division of Retirement and Benefits (Division) prepares a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which is available online. The Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) CAFR provides comprehensive financial, investment, actuarial, and statistical data.
The Division also posts the results of the annual actuarial valuation online. This report contains the funding status of the TRS, as well as the data, assumptions and methods used to develop contribution rate recommendations. As of June 30, 2015, the date of the latest actuarial valuation, the Defined Benefit Unfunded Accrued Liability was $1,620,194,000.
Tiers I and II include a defined benefit pension plan and the Alaska retiree healthcare trust. Tier III includes a defined contribution pension plan, an occupational death and disability plan, a healthcare reimbursement arrangement, and a retiree medical plan.
A summary of the TRS Financial Statements as of June 30, 2016 is reported below.
Summary of Fiscal Year 2016
- There were 57 TRS employers.
- At June 30, 2016, there were 5,502 TRS Defined Benefit and 4,095 TRS Defined Contribution employees.
- TRS employers paid 12.56% of each employee’s gross salary in addition to the contributions paid by the covered employees. The State paid an additional $130,108,000 to meet the actuarially determined contribution rate of 29.27%.
- Based on the June 30, 2015 actuarial valuation, there were 12,418 people who received monthly TRS pension benefits, an increase of 5.7% over the prior year. TRS retirees and beneficiaries received an average annual pension benefit of $35,086.
Changes in TRS Assets During Fiscal Year 2016
| Defined Benefit | Defined Contribution |
Fiduciary Net Position on June 30, 2015 | $7,835,921,000 | $332,817,000 |
Additions |
Employer Contributions | $60,058,000 | $35,899,000 |
Plan Member Contributions | $42,960,000 | $24,904,000 |
State of Alaska Contributions | $130,108,000 | - |
Net Investment Income | $(44,410,000) | $876,000 |
Other | $9,839,000 | $9,000 |
Total Additions | $198,555,000 | $61,688,000 |
Deductions |
Pension Benefits Paid | $435,699,000 | - |
Healthcare Benefits Paid | $122,954,000 | - |
Refunds to Members | $1,883,000 | $7,677,000 |
Administrative Expenses | $8,159,000 | $1,032,000 |
Total Deductions | $568,695,000 | $8,709,000 |
Fiduciary Net Position on June 30, 2016 | $7,465,781,000 | $385,796,000 |
Statement of TRS Assets as of June 30, 20176/caption>
| Defined Benefit | Defined Contribution |
Assets |
Short-Term Investments | $62,542,000 | $9,202,000 |
Empower Account | - | $3,155,000 |
Other Receivables | $6,305,000 | $4,515,000 |
Investments, at Fair Value | $7,414,764,000 | $377,977,000 |
Other Assets | $711 | - |
Total Assets | $7,484,322,000 | $394,849,000 |
Liabilities |
Accrued Expenses and Other Liabilities | $18,541,000 | $9,053,000 |
Total Liabilities | $18,541,000 | $9,053,000 |
Fiduciary Net Position on June 30, 2016 | $7,465,781,000 | $385,796,000 |
Accessing Your Retiree Direct Deposit Confirmations
In an effort to reduce costs and improve
efficiency, the Division of Retirement and
Benefits stopped printing and mailing Retiree
Direct Deposit Confirmations in July 2012,
saving the Division $200,000 annually. Since
this change was implemented, Direct Deposit
Confirmations have been available online
through the Division’s member services portal,
Just like you used to look at your paper
confirmation, it is important to log on to
myRnB each month and review your online
Direct Deposit Confirmation. As a retiree, you
are responsible for verifying the accuracy of
your elected deductions, and to ensure you are
not receiving an Alaska Cost of Living
Allowance (COLA) to which you may not be
entitled. If you do notice an error on your
Direct Deposit Confirmation, please contact the Division.
MyRnB Logon Instructions:
- Go to Alaska.gov/drb to access the Division of Retirement and Benefits home page.
- Select the blue myRnB button on the left side.
- Select the “Login with MyAlaska account” button in the right column.
- Sign in using your myAlaska username and
password. This is the same username and password
you use to file for your Permanent Fund Dividend
(PFD) with the State of Alaska. If you do not have a
myAlaska username and password, you will need
to create these before using myRnB (Click “New
User: Register for a myAlaska Account”).
- Once signed in, you will be taken to the myRnB page.
- If you are a first-time user of myRnB, you will be
asked to identify yourself by entering your
Retirement Identification number (RIN) and your
Social Security number (SSN). You will only be
asked this information again if you change your
myAlaska username.
- Once successfully logged in, you will receive a
welcome message and the Member Services button.
Select Member Services.
- You will find your Direct Deposit Confirmations
under the “Retiree Services” header on the Member Services page.
- You may now print or save the file for future reference.
For assistance with myRnB, contact the Division toll-free at (800) 821-2251 or in Juneau at (907) 465-4460
Monday - Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday
from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Alaska Time. You may also
email us at doa.drb.mscc@alaska.gov. For email
inquiries, be sure to include at least two of the following
identifiers in addition to your full name:
- Your date of birth
- Your current mailing address
- Your current or last PERS or TRS employer
For assistance with myAlaska, please contact Enterprise Technology Services (ETS):
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Alaska Time
Anchorage: (907) 269-6311
Fairbanks: (907) 451-5911
Juneau: (907) 465-5211
Retirees who would like to continue to receive paper Direct Deposit Confirmations should contact the Division.
Alaska Retirement Management Board Meeting
June 22-23, Anchorage
Alaska Retirement Management Board (ARMB) meetings are open to the public. You can find details about future meetings, minutes of past meetings, and meeting agendas at Alaska.gov/boards. If you have questions, contact Stephanie Alexander, ARMB liaison, at (907) 465-3749.
The information provided on this page may or may not be up-to-date. If you are unsure, please contact us.