Needs Review Not Apprvd
FAQs for proposed CVS-Aetna Merger
On Sunday, December 3, 2017 CVS Health and Aetna announced a merger agreement.
The Division does not have any additional information about the proposed merger at this time, but will continue to monitor new developments and provide updates as they become available. It is important to note that this is a merger agreement and has not been finalized.
Aetna is currently the Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for the AlaskaCare employee and retiree medical plans and has subcontracted with CVS/Caremark to provide Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) services.
How does this impact my AlaskaCare plan?
The Division does not anticipate any impact to the health plans at this time, but will continue to monitor the situation as it develops to ensure there is no impact to the membership.
As a self-insured plan AlaskaCare contracts with a TPA to administer claims and complete other administrative functions. Aetna is currently the TPA for the AlaskaCare employee and retiree medical plans and has subcontracted with CVS/Caremark to PBM services.
eReporting System Update—Fully Functional!
eReporting is now fully functional! New instructions are available now.

AlaskaCare Retiree News, February 2025, Issue 77
Information on the Hinge Health webinar series, eye exams, useful resources, and more.

Employer News, Spring 2025, Issue 181
Information on BEARS, full backouts, employer contacts, and more.
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