Needs Review Not Apprvd
Request for Proposals: Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), Third Party Administrator (TPA)
The Division of Retirement and Benefits manages the AlaskaCare Employee and Retiree health plans, including the Retiree Dental Vision and Audio plan. The Division relies on contractors, known as Third-Party Administrators (TPA) to perform various functions essential to the daily operations of the plans. These include claims processing and payment, access to a network of providers, customer service representatives, and other critical tasks.
Periodically, the Division puts these contractual services out to a bid through a Request For Proposal (RFP). This gives the Division an opportunity to evaluate different vendor’s ability to meet the membership and the plans’ priorities as they evolve over time.
The Division is focusing on issuing the following procurements outlined below through the Best Value Process. More information about the process will be provided upon release of the respective RFP.
- Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) RFP – The PBM provides services specific to pharmacy benefit claims and services for the employee and retiree health plans.
- Third Party Administrator Medical and Dental RFP – The medical and dental TPA provides services specific to managing medical and dental health plans for the employee and retiree plans.
This webpage will be updated periodically as more information is provided. If you have any specific questions about the procurement, please contact Jason Grove at (907) 465-5679 or .
Request for Proposals for Statewide Services for Pharmacy Benefits Management Is Now Open
View the notice on the Online Public Notices website
The Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits, is soliciting proposals from qualified and experienced firms to provide statewide services for Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM). The services are administrative-only services for the State’s self-funded Prescription Drug Plan for both AlaskaCare’s active employee and non-Medicare-eligible membership (commercial plan) and for AlaskaCare’s Medicare-eligible EGWP population. This procurement is being conducted using the Best Value RFP process.
Key Dates
- January 22, 2018: RFP released in draft form
- January 29, 2018: Educational session Webex
- February 2, 2018: RFP finalized
- February 6, 2018: Pre-proposal meeting and second educational session
- March 1, 2018: Proposal due
For more information, please contact Jason Grove, contracting officer, at (907) 465-5679 or .