Welcome to the Division of Retirement and Benefits’ New Website!

Posted May 3, 2022

Our brand-new, completely redesigned website is the product of a collaborative effort on the part of all of the Division’s staff. We’ve designed this website to have a similar look and feel as the main State of Alaska (SOA) and most SOA department and division websites, with a streamlined layout intended to be easy to use and navigate.

Our team has worked to create a website that will bring you an improved user experience. Some of the new features include:

  • An interface designed for you, the user. You can access the information you need based on whether you are an employee, a retiree, or an employer. Find this information on the home page under “Let’s Get Started” and in the Employee, Retiree, and Employer drop-down menus in the light blue strip at the top of every page.
  • No hidden or buried pages. All the information on the website is available from the drop-down menus at the top of every page. Quick links and helpful tools are also available from the right-side fly-out menu. Access this menu by clicking the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page.
  • No duplicate information. We have made great effort to eliminate multiple sources of the same information from the website, ensuring that what you read is correct and up-to-date.
  • ADA-accessibility. The State of Alaska and the Division is committed to serving all Alaskans. We use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, Level AA as our guide to make our website more accessible for everyone and our content easy to use and understand.
  • More responsive design for mobile devices. You should see improved usability on your phone or tablet.

MyRnB remains the same at this time. We are currently working on a major project to modernize our data system and improve the administration of pension and insurance benefits for our members and participating employers. This system, known as BEARS (Benefits And Retirement System) will allow the Division to provide enhanced customer service to its members, including self-service tools to accommodate on-demand requests. Look for more information in the future about BEARS and how it will affect myRnB.

Important Links and Where to Find Them

With this redesign, we’ve rearranged how pages and information are organized so the information you need is more readily available and easier to find. We understand that it may take a little while to get used to the new organization. Be sure to bookmark the pages you use most often by clicking the star icon ( ) in your browser’s address bar.

Here’s where you can find some of the most commonly used information on the new website:


  • In the dark blue strip at the top of every page, directly to the right of the native greeting; or
  • The dark blue “myRnB” icon at the top of the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page); or
  • In the dark blue section (with the mountain background) at the bottom of every page

Member Education Center:

  • In the Contact drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • In the dark blue section (with the mountain background) at the bottom of every page


Counseling Services & to make a counseling appointment:

  • In the Contact drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • The Make An Appointment link under Quick Links in the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page)

Benefit Mailing Dates:

  • In the Retiree drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • Under Tools in the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page)

Plan Information:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • In the Help drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • Under Quick Links in the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page)

Forms & Documents:

  • In the Help drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • Under Quick Links in the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page)

Partner Contacts:

  • On the Home page under Partner Portals; or
  • In the Contact drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • The Partner icons at the top of the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page)

Net Pay Estimators:

  • In the Help drop-down menu at the top of every page; or
  • Under Tools in the fly-out menu (click the “hamburger” icon ( ) on the upper right side of the page)

Latest News & Newsletters:

  • In the Home drop-down menu at the top of every page

Still having trouble finding something?

Check out our Site Navigation page and our Can’t Find a Page? page in the Help drop-down menu at the top of every page.


See our new website FAQs here. You can also contact our Member Education Center toll-free at (800) 821-2251, in Juneau at (907) 465-4460, or by email at

Page Last Modified: 03/05/25 16:43:32