IMPORTANT! Phishing Attempt Regarding Open Enrollment

Posted November 2, 2022
Updated November 3, 2022

It has come to our attention that some employees may have received an email fraudulently claiming they missed the open enrollment period and their medical benefits were impacted. All communications related to Open Enrollment will be sent directly from the Division of Retirement and Benefits. This email appears to be a sophisticated phishing scam and employees should disregard the email and report it to OIT at .

We have not had any reports of phishing attempts with the Retiree DVA enrollment, but please be aware of any suspicious emails and notify us at if you are unsure.

As a reminder, the Open Enrollment period for the AlaskaCare Health Plan and Voluntary Supplemental Benefits is November 2 through November 23. DVA Open Enrollment is October 12 through November 23. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Retirement and Benefits Member Education Center toll-free at (800) 821-2251, in Juneau at (907) 465-4460 or by email at .

All emails regarding the AlaskaCare Health Plan, Voluntary Supplemental Benefits Open Enrollment, or Retiree DVA Open Enrollment will come from the Division of Retirement and Benefits at or Any emails from BenefitFocus will come from

If you receive an email from another source, it may be a phishing scam. Please report it to OIT at .

Page Last Modified: 01/29/25 13:49:57