Edit by JM 11/13/23

PERS & TRS Defined Contribution Retirement Health Reimbursement Arrangement: Fiscal Year 2023 Investment Gain Information

Posted November 13, 2023

As required by 15 AAC 112.810 – Health Reimbursement Plan Rate Computation, the Division must post a fiscal year’s investment gains or losses to member accounts by January 15 of the following year. That means investment gains or losses that occurred during fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023) must be posted by January 15, 2024 or sooner.

During fiscal year 2023, the PERS and TRS Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) funds experienced investment gains. Per 15 AAC 112.810(f), The amount of interest applied is not guaranteed and may change upward or downward significantly from year to year…and may be negative so long as the amount results from investment losses. The Division has posted the fiscal year 2023 investment gains to eligible member HRA account balances.

Where is my HRA account balance maintained?

The Division of Retirement and Benefits maintains a separate record for each member to account for the employer contributions on behalf of the member as well as the investment earnings/losses allocated annually to each eligible account balance.

The information is located in two areas:

  1. In the member’s myRnB online account (the same place you can find copies of your monthly retiree paystubs).
  2. Eligible members will have their HRA account balance reported on their quarterly Empower statement.
Additionally, you may contact the Member Education Center.

If you are a retiree that currently uses your HRA account, please contact, Inspira Financial who administers retiree HRA accounts, for your most current balance.

Page Last Modified: 01/29/25 13:51:14