Edited by LM 1/24/25
Spring 2024, Issue 42
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Lifetime Maximum Benefit
The lifetime maximum insurance benefit is the maximum dollar amount that the AlaskaCare Defined Benefit Retiree health plan (plan) will pay out during a member’s lifetime for healthcare services. The lifetime maximum benefit limit in the AlaskaCare Defined Benefit Retiree health plan was increased to $8 million effective January 1, 2024. In addition, the reinstatement of benefits plan provisions related to the lifetime maximum was removed.
A higher lifetime maximum limit helps members retain access to health insurance during a catastrophic health event and provides financial relief for members who have met or are approaching the current lifetime limit.
New Optum Rx Enhanced IRMAA Submission Receipt Feature
On March 15 Optum Rx implemented an enhanced outbound call service using an auto-dialer for Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) submissions.
This new enhanced call service will call the member, and provide a confirmation of receipt for their IRMAA submission. The member will then receive a secondary status call once the submission has been reviewed. The second call, received after the submission review process (allow 7-10 business days) will inform members if their submission is approved or rejected due to problems with the information submitted.
Are You Subject to the Medicare Part D IRMAA Surcharge?
AlaskaCare Will Reimburse You
Certain high-income retirees are required to pay an extra premium surcharge, known as an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount, or IRMAA. This is similar to the surcharge for high-income enrollees in the Medicare Part B plan. If you are an individual or a married couple earning more than the threshold, you will be required to pay an extra surcharge for being enrolled in the AlaskaCare Employer Group Waiver Program (EGWP) because it is a group Medicare Part D plan. Retirees whose reported income is below this threshold will not be subject to the IRMAA premium surcharge.
If you are subject to the Medicare Part D IRMAA surcharge, you can be reimbursed.
For all Medicare plans, the IRMAA will be deducted directly from your monthly Social Security check (if you qualify for Social Security) or will otherwise be invoiced to you directly each month. If you are charged a Medicare Part D IRMAA for your prescription drug coverage and notify the Division of Retirement and Benefits, you will be reimbursed for the full cost of the Medicare Part D premium surcharge each month through a tax-advantaged Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) account. If you receive a bill from Medicare, you should pay the bill timely, and contact the Division to learn about your reimbursement options.
The Division of Retirement and Benefits has partnered with Optum Rx and Optum Bank to create an efficient way for members to receive reimbursement for their Part D IRMAA surcharge.
What You Need to Know
- You need to set up your HRA account every year, since IRMAA surcharges are based on your annual income and your income may change from year to year.
- If you are not assessed Part D IRMAA surcharge this does not apply to you.
- To receive the reimbursement, you should submit your claim and letter as soon as possible, but no later than 12 months after the last day of the current year. For example: The deadline for submitting your 2023 IRMAA for reimbursement is December 31, 2024.
How to Request Reimbursement and/or Set Up Direct Deposit
Optum Rx will handle all your IRMAA needs. Follow these steps to establish your Part D IRMAA reimbursement account online:
- Register and/or log in to your OptumRx.com account either online or through the mobile app.
- Navigate to the AlaskaCare IRMAA Reimbursement Form by taking the following steps:
- On the top of the main page, click the “Information Center” tab.
- Click “Programs and Forms”.
- Click on the “AlaskaCare IRMAA Reimbursement” section. There you will find the digital enrollment form as well as the paper version.
- To submit your reimbursement request digitally (the faster method), click and submit the IRMAA HRA Digital Enrollment Form.
- Upload as an attachment, a copy or image of your letter from Social Security or a Medicare Bill that shows what your Part D IRMAA surcharge is.
- Optum Rx will confirm your eligibility and set up your Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) with Optum Bank within 5 to 7 business days of receipt.
- Once your HRA has been set up with Optum Bank, they will send you a Welcome Packet within 5 to 7 business days, which will include information on signing up for Direct Deposit.
- If you currently have Direct Deposit set up with Optum Bank, that information does not need to be submitted again.
- Once you receive your Welcome Packet, log in to OptumBank.com to view your HRA account status/ balance or to sign up for Direct Deposit.
Note: If you are using the IRMAA HRA Enrollment Paper Form, you will need to:
- Print the form,
- Fill out the information accurately,
- Include a copy of your letter from Social Security or a Medicare Bill that shows what your Part D IRMAA surcharge is, and
- Mail or email the form to Optum Rx.
The timeline for completion depends on the information provided and when it is received by Optum Rx.
If you have any questions on how to submit your IRMAA documents online or if you do not have internet access and would like to submit paper documentation,please contact Optum Rx at
or email .Preventive Care Benefits
Effective January 1, 2022, the Division of Retirement and Benefits expanded preventive care coverage to the Retiree Defined Benefit health plan.
You don’t need to feel sick in order to see your doctor. In fact, the best time to go might be when you feel well. Perhaps you need a flu shot or a screening test. Or maybe you’re just looking for some health tips. That’s preventive care—and it can help you stay healthy or catch health issues early.
AlaskaCare covers preventive care for you and your eligible dependents. There are no copays, deductibles, or coinsurance for covered preventive services when you see a network provider. Call your doctor to schedule your appointment and be on your way to good health.
What Preventive Services are Covered?
Preventive care and recommended screenings are important tools to keep you and your family healthy. AlaskaCare retiree members can now get many checkups, screenings, vaccines, prenatal care services, contraceptives, and more with no out-of-pocket costs. These include, but are not limited, to:
- Routine Physical Exams
- Well Woman Preventive Visits
- Maternity and Newborn Care
- Routine Cancer Screening: breast, lung, cervical, colorectal, prostate
- Preventive Care Immunizations
Coverage for preventive services is based on recommendations by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and other governmental advisory groups and may include additional services as outlined in the AlaskaCare Third-Party Administrator’s clinical guidelines. These guidelines will change over time as they are updated to reflect the most current research and evidence.
How are Preventive Services Covered?
If you see a network provider for preventive services, your AlaskaCare plan will pay 100% of the cost and your deductible will not apply.
If you see an out-of-network provider, you will first have to meet the $150 deductible, and then the plan will pay 80% coinsurance (up to the recognized charge) for covered services. Your AlaskaCare out-of-pocket maximum will not apply to preventive care services received from out-ofnetwork providers.
Many retiree plan members have other health coverage, such as Medicare, or additional coverage through their spouse. The AlaskaCare plan will continue to coordinate with other plans the way it does today when determining payment for covered services.
How Do I Find an In-Network Provider?
For assistance finding an in-network provider, call the Aetna Concierge at or search online using the Aetna DocFind tool.
If you do not have access to an Aetna network provider in your area, you may contact Aetna to pre-certify the use of an out-of-network provider, and if approved, those services will be paid as though they were received in-network.
Have More Questions?
Contact the Aetna Concierge at for information about whether or not a service is diagnostic or preventive or if you would like more information about your health plan benefits.
Subscribe to the Monthly Retiree Health Plan Newsletter
Each month the Division sends an electronic newsletter to interested retiree plan members. The newsletters contain valuable information about your plan benefits, upcoming event reminders, and health plan news.
To subscribe to News and Updates, call the Division’s Member Education Center at , or visit AlaskaCare.gov and click on the red envelope on the bottom of the page. Enter your email, select “AlaskaCare Retiree News and Updates”, and click Submit.Reminder: Notify Us of Your Dependent Status Changes
If you have a dependent that will be graduating from college, remember to notify the Division of Retirement and Benefits of their change in status. You should also notify the Division if you need to add or remove dependents due to marriage, divorce, birth, death, or adoption. You can find the Dependent Status Change form on the Division’s website.
In accordance with Alaska Statutes 39.35.680(12) and 14.25.220(13):
- If your dependent child is under 23 years old, they are required to be registered at and attending on a full-time basis an accredited educational or technical institution recognized by the Department of Education and Early Development.
- If your dependent child is age 19 or older and is not a full-time student, then the dependent is eligible for coverage only if they are totally and permanently disabled, and the disability was documented prior to their 23rd birthday.
Let us and Aetna know if your dependent child has recently become a full-time student. The AlaskaCare Verification of Student Status Form is available on the AlaskaCare website.
How to View Your DRB Statements and Documents
- Visit myrnb.alaska.gov .
- Sign in using your myAlaska username and password. This is the same username and password you use if you file online for a Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) with the State of Alaska. If you do not have a myAlaska username and password, you will need to establish these credentials prior to using myRnB. If this is the case, click “Create a myAlaska account” and follow the steps provided.
- Once signed in, you will be taken to the myRnB portal page.
- If this is your first time logging on to myRnB, you will need to verify your Last Name, Date of Birth, and the Last 4 Digits of Your Social Security Number, then click “Next”.
Once successfully logged in, you will see the myRnB landing page. Click “myDocuments” on the left side of the screen under “Services”. Here, you will find your direct deposit confirmations titled “Warrants”, annual tax documents, and other documents related to your account.
For assistance with myRnB, contact the Member Education Center at in Juneau or toll-free at Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Alaska Time.
AlaskaCare Town Hall Events
Please join us on the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. for our telephonic Town Hall events. These are group calls hosted by the Alaska Department of Administration, Division of Retirement and Benefits for all interested AlaskaCare retirees and families to ask questions about the AlaskaCare health plans. You can join the call to learn more about your health plan and ask Division staff any questions you have about your benefits. This format gives retirees a chance to connect directly with Division staff to hear the latest news on all things AlaskaCare, raise questions, share comments, and learn more about the health plans. To sign up for an automatic phone call to attend the Town Hall events, visit AlaskaCare.gov/townhall.
Sign Up for the Medicare Direct Program
Are you enrolled in Medicare? Do you want your claims automatically sent from Medicare to AlaskaCare?
Signing up for the Medicare Direct program means less paperwork and faster turnaround. Contact the Aetna Concierge at to get started.
If Medicare is your primary plan, the AlaskaCare claims administrator can send a request to Medicare to enroll you in the Medicare Direct program. Once Medicare Direct is set up, your provider only has to file your claim with Medicare. When the claim is processed it will be automatically transferred to AlaskaCare and Medicare will then send you an explanation of benefits (EOB).
2024 AlaskaCare Retiree Health Plan Insurance Information Booklets
Health Insurance Information Plan Booklets are available for all members of the AlaskaCare health plans, they are designed to help you understand your plan and the benefits it provides. Your plan booklet includes a benefit summary and information about plan coverage, how benefits are paid, travel coverage, precertification, what expenses are covered, and more.
For your convenience, the Health Insurance Information Plan Booklets are available on the AlaskaCare website: myrnb.alaska.gov . You can view the booklets online or download them to your computer.
Access Your Form 1095-B Online
Form 1095-B is a tax form that reports the type of health insurance coverage you have, any dependents covered by your insurance policy, and the period of coverage for the prior year. The Division provides this form to members under age 65 to verify on your tax return that you and your dependents have at least minimum essential health insurance coverage. If you are over age 65, Medicare will provide this form for you.
Since this information is already provided to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by Medicare, it is no longer necessary to have a printed copy of form 1095-B in order to file your taxes. The Division provides members under age 65 access to an electronic version of their 2023 Form 1095-B online. Members age 65 or older can contact Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE to obtain a copy of their Form 1095-B.
If you are under age 65 you can access your Form 1095-B in your MyRNB account under myDocuments.
If you would like to request a printed copy of your 2023 Form 1095-B be mailed to you, please contact the Division toll-free at , or in Juneau at .
We Want Your Feedback
As an AlaskaCare member, your input is valued and important. Below, please see a list of ways to contact us with your feedback. Also, a full list of AlaskaCare health plan and partner contact information can be found on our website at drb.alaska.gov/contact.
AlaskaCare—Plan Administrator
- Toll Free:
- In Juneau:
- TDD: (907) 465-2805
- Fax: (907) 465-3086
- Email:
Send us a letter
State of Alaska Division of Retirement and Benefits
P.O. Box 110203
Juneau, AK 99811-0203
Come visit us
State Office Building
6th Floor
333 Willoughby Avenue
Juneau, AK 99801
Alaska Quit Line
Smoking Cessation Programs
Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. The good news is that once you stop, your body starts healing right away. Carbon monoxide levels normalize in just 12 hours, and your risk for heart disease can drop significantly after just 12 months as a non-smoker.
Why wait when you can make a clean start today? 1-800-QUIT-NOW
Support Resources
Do you have questions about your AlaskaCare health plan or need assistance with your benefits? Here are some helpful resources that can provide you with more information and make navigating through the health care maze easier.
Division of Retirement and Benefits
Member Education Center
The Division of Retirement and Benefit’s Member Education Center provides essential support to our membership which includes employees, retirees, and other benefit recipients. We provide education and assistance relating to retirement, medical, and other optional benefits.
The Division’s Member Education Center team has comprehensive knowledge of the retirement systems and has dedicated team members that are experts on the AlaskaCare health plans.
We are here to answer questions ranging from benefit enrollment for newly hired employees, to application for retirement, to the AlaskaCare health plan, and beyond.
Reach Out to Us
- In Juneau:
- Toll Free:
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Alaska Time.
Aetna Concierge and Local Offices
An Aetna concierge can help you understand your benefits and give you the tools to make more informed decisions about your health care. Contact the Aetna Concierge at .
AlaskaCare members can make an appointment to visit the Aetna local office in Juneau or Anchorage and talk directly with an Aetna representative.
A concierge can help you...
- Locate providers in your area
- Understand your benefits
- Plan for upcoming treatments
- Find out what it would cost to see an in-network doctor versus an out-of-network doctor
The local offices can assist you with questions about:
- Paper claim submissions
- Travel precertification
- Appeals assistance
- Eligibility issues
- Help to understand your explanation of benefits
- Coordination of benefits for multiple plans
- And more…
To schedule an appointment, contact the Aetna Concierge at .
Anchorage Office
2525 C Street, Suite 205
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Juneau Office
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
One Sealaska Plaza, Suite 305
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Free Nurse Advice Line
Have health questions? You can talk to a nurse anytime—24 hours a day, 7 days a week—at no cost to you. Simply call the nurse line number at .
The nurse can help you with:
- Deciding whether to visit a doctor or urgent care center
- Understanding your symptoms
- Managing chronic conditions
- Learning about treatment options and medical procedures
The nurses can be a resource in considering options for care or helping you decide whether you or your dependent needs to visit your doctor, an urgent care facility, or the emergency room.
Call the nurse line anytime to discuss any health concerns at .
Help Finding a Network Provider
Aetna, Optum Rx, and Delta Dental have nationwide networks of providers that accept the AlaskaCare health plan.
If you need help finding a local network physician, pharmacy, hospital, or dentist that is in the AlaskaCare network, check out these helpful resources.
- Find a Pharmacist: Use Optum Rx Pharmacy Locator at OptumRx.com or call Optum Rx at
- Find a Doctor: Use Aetna’s DocFind Tool at Aetna.com or call the Aetna Concierge at
- Find a Dentist: Use Delta Dental’s search tool at ModaHealth.com or call Delta Dental at
Alaska Medicare Information Office (MIO)
The Alaska Medicare Information Office’s Anchorage staff and statewide network of counselors offer one-on-one counseling to Medicare beneficiaries and their families, tips on how to spot and report Medicare errors, waste and fraud, and classes on Medicare.
On the second Monday of each month the MIO offers a Medicare Monday outreach event. For more information or to register for the event, visit the Medicare Information Office webpage. Alaskans helping Alaskans get more out of their Medicare.
Contact Alaska’s Medicare Information Office:
- In Anchorage:
- Toll–free within Alaska:
- TTY: (800) 770-8973
Sign up to receive Retiree News and Updates
Each month the Division sends an electronic newsletter to interested retiree plan members. The newsletters contain valuable information about your plan benefits, upcoming event reminders, and health plan news.
To subscribe to News and Updates, call the Division’s Member Education Center at , or visit alaskacare.gov and click on the red envelope on the bottom of the screen.
Health Benefit Contact Information
- Member Education Center: | Toll Free:
- Member Services:
- Member Services:
- Member Services:
- Member Services:
The information provided on this page may or may not be up-to-date. If you are unsure, please contact us.
AlaskaCare Retiree News, February 2025, Issue 77
Information on the Hinge Health webinar series, eye exams, useful resources, and more.
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Information on BEARS, full backouts, employer contacts, and more.
Read MoreEmployees & Employers —eReporting System Update
The Division of Retirement and Benefits is happy to report its payroll reporting application, eReporting, is back online.
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