Edited by LM 3/13/24

Joseph & Miriam Walstad
Pioneers, Homesteaders, Teachers

Joseph & Miriam Walstad Joseph Walstad brought his wife, Miriam, and youngest three children to Alaska in 1962, taking the pastorate of Hillcrest Presbyterian Church on Government Hill in Anchorage. Joseph and Miriam shifted gears in 1965, taking course work at the University of Alaska in both Anchorage and Fairbanks, earning their Alaska Teacher Certificates and taking up residence near Talkeetna. Miriam taught school in Talkeetna and Joseph taught at the school across the river in Trapper Creek, and later transferred to the school in Willow. The Walstads were able to build their own home on a forty-acre home site near Sunshine with their own hands and occasional help from friends. When away from their responsibilities of teaching elementary students, one would find them serving area churches, performing marriages, funerals, and providing counseling services. On one special occasion, Joseph was flown along with the wedding party to a glacier on Mt. McKinley (Denali) where he performed the wedding ceremony.

After retiring from school teaching in 1977, Joseph and Miriam devoted more time to travel and serving churches in remote places. In ‘78, Joseph and Miriam held Holy Week services in Kaktovik, and the following year they spent two weeks serving on St. Lawrence Island.

Facing health challenges in 1982, Joseph and Miriam sold their property near Talkeetna and moved to Roswell, New Mexico. With health returning, the couple traveled throughout the “Lower 48” and abroad, exploring Joseph’s homeland and looking up relatives in Norway and Sweden. Another overseas trip took them to Korea and Japan, where they looked up longtime friends they had made throughout their lives in ministry.

Though certainly not wealthy by the world’s standards, Joseph and Miriam were able to enjoy retirement and continue their life of service to others due to the benefits provided through the Alaska Teachers’ Retirement system, their own deliberate savings programs, and their own hard work and life of self-sacrifice.

In October 2015, Miriam departed this life having reached the age of 99. Joseph, now living with his son in Las Cruses, New Mexico, continues to live out his days, making it to church every Sunday and enjoying the visits of family members. He celebrated his 100th birthday with a big celebration, planned by his four children, in April 2017.

Page Last Modified: 01/31/25 10:38:47