Edited by BC 1/10/25

Requests & Confirmations

Request a specific DRB service, refund or employer confirmation.

Generally, the Division of Retirement and Benefits charges for the costs it incurs in furnishing copies of any printed or computer-generated material in its possession. These charges may be waived for requests with an estimated cost of less than $5.00 for photocopies or less than $100.00 for other products and services.

Staff Time

The division may charge the actual cost of personnel or may use the following rates (one-hour minimum):

Request Cost
Special Request Programming $100/hour
Specialized Skills (e.g. research) $50/hour
Clerical Skills $30/hour

Other Production Costs

Request Cost
Mailing/Packaging/Archiving $40/request
Other CPU or LAN usage $40/hour (one hour minimum)


Request Cost
Photocopies $.25/page side
Printed Paper $.25/page side
Mailing Labels $.50/page
Magnetic Tapes $50/tape + $100 set-up fee
Compact Discs (CDs) $5/CD
Delivery via Internet or Email No cost for media

Does not include the cost of any staff time.

Active Employees

Contact your human resources office, personnel office, or payroll office to have your address changed. Active member addresses are reported electronically by your employer.

Retirees or Inactive and/or Deferred Vested Members

Address changes require the member’s signature and are submitted either on the below form or in a letter requesting the change. Letters should include the member’s name, new address, social security number or Retirement Identification Number (RIN), and the member’s signature.

For Defined Contribution Plan Members

This includes:

Active employees should contact their employer to make an address or name change. Inactive or retired employees should contact the Division of Retirement and Benefits Member Education Center.

The Division of Retirement and Benefits is committed to producing and maintaining accessible web content for all users. If you have a disability and the format of any material on our web pages interferes with your ability to access the information, you may request materials in alternate formats that will suit your needs. To request a more accessible alternate format please email or contact the Member Education Center.

Confirmation requests must be either on employer letterhead or be requested by an authorized employer representative. Such requests must provide the following minimum information:

  • Employer name and number.
  • Time period for which confirmation is requested, typically the employer’s fiscal year.
  • Name and email address for the auditor to whom the confirmation should be sent.
  • Anyone else who should be cc’d when the confirmation is sent to the auditor.

Employer confirmations only provide information about the contributions made during the year. Other information, such as contribution rates or plan funded status, can be found following the links below:

Page Last Modified: 03/07/25 22:18:57