Edit by LM 2/5/25
Actuarial Valuations
Find appraisal information of the retirement fund investments for the current and previous years.
June 30, 2023:
June 30, 2022:
June 30, 2021:
June 30, 2020:
June 30, 2019:
June 30, 2018:
June 30, 2017:
June 30, 2016:
June 30, 2015:
June 30, 2014:
June 30, 2013:
June 30, 2012:
June 30, 2011:
June 30, 2010:
June 30, 2009:
June 30, 2008:
June 30, 2007:
June 30, 2006:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY09 rates)
- Supplemental to the Actuarial Valuation Report
- Board Adopted Rates
- Resolution 2008-14
June 30, 2005:
- Actuarial Valuation Report
- Supplemental to the Actuarial Valuation Report (FY08 rates)
- Bucks Presentation
- Board Adopted Rates
- PERS/TRS Experience Study
June 30, 2004:
June 30, 2003:
June 30, 2002:
June 30, 2001:
June 30, 2000:
June 30, 1999:
June 30, 1998:
June 30, 1997:
June 30, 1996:
- Actuarial Valuation Report
- Study of Actuarial Assumptions
- Supplemental to the Actuarial Valuation Report (FY99 rates)
June 30, 1995:
June 30, 1994:
- Actuarial Valuation Report
- Review of Inflation Component of Economic Assumptions
- Supplemental to the Actuarial Valuation Report (FY97 rates)
June 30, 1993:
June 30, 1992:
June 30, 1991:
June 30, 1990:
June 30, 1989:
June 30, 1988:
June 30, 1987:
June 30, 1986:
June 30, 1985:
June 30, 1984:
June 30, 1983:
June 30, 1982:
June 30, 1981:
January 1, 1980:
June 30, 1979:
June 30, 1978:
December 31, 1976:
June 30, 1975:
June 30, 1974:
June 30, 1973:
June 30, 1972:
December 31, 1971:
June 30, 2023:
June 30, 2022:
June 30, 2021:
June 30, 2020:
June 30, 2019:
June 30, 2018:
June 30, 2017:
June 30, 2016:
June 30, 2015:
June 30, 2014:
June 30, 2013:
June 30, 2012:
June 30, 2011:
June 30, 2010:
June 30, 2009:
June 30, 2008:
June 30, 2007:
June 30, 2006:
June 30, 2005:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY08 rates)
- PERS/TRS Experience Study
- Bucks Presentation
- Board Adopted Rates
June 30, 2004:
June 30, 2003:
June 30, 2002:
June 30, 2001:
June 30, 2000:
June 30, 1999:
June 30, 1998:
June 30, 1997:
June 30, 1996:
June 30, 1995:
June 30, 1994:
June 30, 1993:
June 30, 1992:
June 30, 1991:
June 30, 1990:
June 30, 1989:
June 30, 1988:
June 30, 1987:
June 30, 1986:
June 30, 1985:
June 30, 1984:
June 30, 1983:
June 30, 1982:
June 30, 1981:
June 30, 1980:
June 30, 1979:
June 30, 1978:
June 30, 1977:
June 30, 1976:
June 30, 1975:
June 30, 1974:
June 30, 1973:
June 30, 1972:
June 30, 2023:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY26 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY26 rates)
June 30, 2022:
- Actuarial Experience Study
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY25 rates)
- Board Adopted Rates ODD
- Board Adopted Rates RMP
- TRS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY25 rates)
- Board Adopted Rates ODD
- Board Adopted Rates RMP
June 30, 2021:
June 30, 2020:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY23 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY23 rates)
June 30, 2019:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY22 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY22 rates)
June 30, 2018:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY21 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY21 rates)
June 30, 2017:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY20 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY20 rates)
June 30, 2016:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY19 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY19 rates)
June 30, 2015:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY18 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY18 rates)
June 30, 2014:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY17 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY17 rates)
June 30, 2013:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY16 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY16 rates)
June 30, 2012:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY15 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY15 rates)
June 30, 2011:
June 30, 2010:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY14 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY14 rates)
June 30, 2009:
- PERS ODD and RMP Actuarial Valuation Report (FY14 rates)
- TRS ODD and RMP Acturial Valuation Report (FY14 rates)
- Experience Analysis – PERS and TRS DCR Plans
June 30, 2008:
June 30, 2007:
June 30, 2005:
June 30, 2023:
June 30, 2022:
June 30, 2021:
June 30, 2020:
June 30, 2019:
June 30, 2018:
June 30, 2017:
June 30, 2016:
June 30, 2015:
June 30, 2014:
June 30, 2013:
June 30, 2012:
June 30, 2011:
June 30, 2010:
June 30, 2009:
- Actuarial Roll Forward REVISED 9/21/2010 (FY12 contribution rate)
- Actuarial Roll Forward REVISED 3/10/2010
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY12 rates)
June 30, 2008:
June 30, 2007:
June 30, 2006:
June 30, 2004:
June 30, 2002:
June 30, 2000:
June 30, 1998:
June 30, 1996:
June 30, 1994:
June 30, 1992:
June 30, 1990:
June 30, 1988:
June 30, 1986:
June 30, 1984:
June 30, 1982:
June 30, 1981:
June 30, 2020:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY 2023 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2021 adoption of the FY23 contribution amount)
June 30, 2019:
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY 2022 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2020 adoption of the FY22 contribution amount)
June 30, 2018:
- Actuarial Experience Study
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY 2021 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2019 adoption of the FY21 contribution amount)
June 30, 2017:
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY 2020 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2018 adoption of the FY20 contribution amount)
June 30, 2016:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY 2019 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2017 adoption of the FY19 contribution amount)
June 30, 2015:
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY 2018 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2016 adoption of the FY18 contribution amount)
June 30, 2014:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY 2017 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2015 adoption of the FY17 contribution amount)
June 30, 2013:
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY16 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2014 adoption of the FY16 contribution amount)
June 30, 2012:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY15 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2013 adoption of the FY15 contribution amount)
June 30, 2011:
June 30, 2010:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY13 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2011 adoption of the FY13 contribution amount)
June 30, 2009:
- Actuarial Roll Forward REVISED 9/21/2010 (FY12 contribution rate)
- Actuarial Roll Forward REVISED 3/10/2010
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY12 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2010 adoption of the FY12 contribution amount)
June 30, 2008:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY11 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2009 adoption of the FY11 contribution amount)
June 30, 2007:
- Actuarial Roll Forward (FY10 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2008 adoption of the FY10 contribution amount)
June 30, 2006:
- Actuarial Valuation Report (FY09 contribution amount)
- ARMB Adopted Contribution Amount (2007 adoption of the FY09 contribution amount)
June 30, 2004:
June 30, 2002:
June 30, 2000:
June 30, 1998:
June 30, 1996:
June 30, 1994:
June 30, 1992:
June 30, 1991:
June 30, 1989:
June 30, 1984:
June 30, 2021:
June 30, 2019:
June 30, 2016:
June 30, 2014:
June 30, 2012:
June 30, 2010:
June 30, 2008:
June 30, 2006:
June 30, 2005:
June 30, 1986:
June 30, 2023:
June 30, 2021:
June 30, 2019:
June 30, 2017:
June 30, 2015:
June 30, 2012:
June 30, 2009:

eReporting—Employer Payroll Reporting Status Update
The Employer Payroll Reporting Status data has been updated as of March 21, 2025.

eReporting System Update—Fully Functional!
eReporting is now fully functional! Updated instructions and payroll reporting status are now available.

AlaskaCare Employee News, Winter 2025, Issue 113
Information on annual eye exams, flu season, Aetna cost estimator, and more.