Alaska Department of Administration
Division of Retirement and Benefits
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Forms & Documents
This index will help you quickly find the document you need. Most documents are in Adobe PDF format, but some may be available as Microsoft Word or Excel files.
Hint: Use the "Find in Page" (Ctrl+F) keyboard shortcut to quickly find a form or document.
- Active Employee New Hire Enrollment brochure (ben104)
- Active Military Duty (JRS) flyer
- Active Military Duty (PERS) flyer
- Active Military Duty (TRS) flyer
- Actuarial Method Used to Calculate Termination Costs flyer (PERS)
- Address Change Card for Retirees and Deferred Members (02-824a)
- Aetna - Health Plan Appeal - AlaskaCare Retiree Health Plan (ben074a)
- Aetna Medical Claim Form
- Aetna Member Complaint and Appeal Form
- Aetna Other Health Insurance Verification Form
- Aetna Provider Nomination Form
- Aetna Vision Claim Form
- Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) brochure (gen050)
- Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance Affidavit of Residency (gen020)
- Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance Evidence of Residency Requirements (gen019)
- Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance Return to Alaska Notification (02-1896a)
- Alaska Target Retirement Trusts
- AlaskaCare Defined Benefit Retiree Insurance Information Booklet
- AlaskaCare Defined Contribution Retiree Insurance Information Booklet
- AlaskaCare Employee Consumer Choice Plan (30% Dependents) Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- AlaskaCare Employee Consumer Choice Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- AlaskaCare Employee Economy Plan (30% Dependents) Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- AlaskaCare Employee Economy Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan Amendment 2018-1
- AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan Amendment SurgeryPlus
- AlaskaCare Employee Insurance Information Booklet
- AlaskaCare Employee Open Enrollment Guide
- AlaskaCare Employee Standard Plan (30% Dependents) Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- AlaskaCare Employee Standard Plan Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- AlaskaCare Employee Travel Frequently Asked Questions Flyer
- AlaskaCare Federal Family Leave Health Continuation Health Premium Payment (ben030)
- AlaskaCare Health Coverage Continuation (COBRA) – Employee (ben045)
- AlaskaCare Health Coverage Continuation (COBRA) – Retiree (ben047)
- AlaskaCare Health Flexible Spending Account (HFSA) Claim Form (Inspira Financial)
- AlaskaCare New Hire Acknowledgement (ben103)
- AlaskaCare Retiree Dental-Vision-Audio (DVA) Benefit Comparison
- AlaskaCare Retiree Dental-Vision-Audio (DVA) Election (ben101)
- AlaskaCare Retiree Dental-Vision-Audio (DVA) Open Enrollment Guide
- AlaskaCare Retiree Health Plan and Medicare brochure (ben076)
- AlaskaCare Retiree Medical Transport Services brochure (ben109)
- AlaskaCare Retiree Travel Benefits brochure (ben108)
- AlaskaCare Retiree Travel Frequently Asked Questions Flyer
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) (PERS)
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) (TRS)
- Application for Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance (02-1896)
- Application for Military Service Credit for Pension Benefit Calculation (PERS) (02-1895)
- Application for Military Service Credit (TRS) (02-830)
- Application for Outside Service Credit (TRS) (trs031)
- Application for Peace Officer/Firefighter Military Service Credit for Medical Benefit Eligibility (PERS) (02-1897)
- Application for Retirement Benefits – National Guard and Naval Militia Retirement System (NGNMRS) (02-1890)
- Application for Retirement Instruction Booklet (JRS) (jrs001)
- Application for Retirement Instruction Booklet (PERS Tiers I, II & III) (pers035)
- Application for Retirement Instruction Booklet (TRS Tiers I & II) (trs025)
- Authorization for Release of Information (ben021)
- Authorization for the Disclosure of Confidential Retirement and Benefits Information (gen045)
- Authorization for the Use and/or Disclosure of PHI - AlaskaCare (ben043)
- Bargaining Unit Deductible Carryover (ben106)
- Basic Life Insurance with Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- Beneficiary Designation (Voluntary Savings Plan) (pers051)
- Beneficiary Designation – Defined Benefit Members (PERS I/II/III, TRS I/II, JRS, EPORS) (gen053)
- Beneficiary Designation (Active State of Alaska Basic/Select Life and AD&D Enrollment / Change of Beneficiary Designation) (ben090)
- Beneficiary Designation (SBS-AP Political Subdivision Basic/Select Life and AD&D Enrollment / Change) (ben091)
- Beneficiary Designation (SBS-AP Political Subdivision Voluntary Supplemental Benefits (VSB) Life and AD&D) (ben013)
- Beneficiary Address Change (Defined Benefit Plan) (gen051)
- Beneficiary Designation (Voluntary Supplemental Benefits – Life and AD&D) (ben083)
- Beneficiary Designation For Unpaid Compensation
- Beneficiary Selection flyer (Employer Toolkit)
- Calculating Termination Costs flyer (PERS)
- Certificate - MetLife Retiree Life Insurance
- Certification of Vocational Rehabilitation (pers045)
- Certified Resolution sample (Political Subdivisions)
- Cervical Cancer Screening Flyer
- Checklist – Political Subdivision DCR New Employee (Employer Toolkit)
- Chiropractic/Rehabilitative Coverage: Four modality limit claim adjudication policy
- Chiropractic/Rehabilitative Coverage: Physical therapy multiple therapy reductions claim adjudication policy
- Claiming Service Credit brochure (TRS) (trs015)
- COBRA - AlaskaCare Health Coverage Continuation – Employee (ben045)
- COBRA - AlaskaCare Health Coverage Continuation – Retiree (ben047)
- COLA Affidavit of Residency (gen020)
- COLA Application (02-1896)
- COLA brochure (gen050)
- COLA Evidence of Residency Requirements (gen019)
- COLA Physician’s Certificate (gen023)
- COLA Return to Alaska Notification (02-1896a)
- Coordination of Benefits (ben070)
- Coverage of Specialty Medication Received by Mail
- Critical Illness
- Death Benefits After Retirement (PERS Tiers I, II, and III) brochure (pers056)
- Death Benefits brochure (PERS) (pers026)
- Death Benefits brochure (TRS) (trs020)
- Death Notification Form (gen055)
- Deferred Compensation Online Registration Guide (Employer Toolkit)
- Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (W-4P)
- Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) Information Booklet
- Defined Benefit (DB) Beneficiary Address Change (gen051)
- Defined Benefit (DB) Retiree Insurance Premiums
- Defined Benefit Retiree Insurance Information Booklet (AlaskaCare)
- Defined Contribution Plan (DCR) New Political Subdivision Employee Checklist (Employer Toolkit)
- Defined Contribution Plan (DCR) Overview – PERS (Employer Toolkit)
- Defined Contribution Plan (DCR) Overview – TRS (Employer Toolkit)
- Defined Contribution Plan (DCR) Plan Elected Official Participation/Waiver (dcr006)
- Defined Contribution Retiree Insurance Information Booklet (AlaskaCare)
- Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) Retiree Insurance Premiums
- Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCR) Information Handbook
- Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCR) Overview of Your Retirement Benefits (dcr010)
- Delta Dental of Alaska Appeal Form (Moda)
- Dental Claim Form - Delta Dental of Alaska
- Dental Plan Appeal brochure (Employee) (ben075b)
- Dental Plan Appeal brochure (Retiree) (ben075a)
- Designation of Beneficiary For Unpaid Compensation
- Direct Deposit Authorization for Retirees (02-1900r)
- Disability Benefits - Non-occupational PERS
- Disability Benefits - Occupational PERS
- Disability Benefits - TRS
- Disclosure and/or use of PHI, AlaskaCare Authorization (ben043)
- Divorce or Dissolution and Your Retirement (gen024)
- Election of Standard or Alternate Option – Noncertificated (Classified) School Employees (pers004)
- Electronic Direct Deposit Authorization for Retirees (02-1900r)
- Employee (Full-Time) Select Benefits Premium Sheet
- Employee (Part-Time) Select Benefits Premium Sheet
- Employee Dental Plan Appeal brochure (ben075b)
- Employee Health Plan Amendment 2018-1 (AlaskaCare)
- Employee Health Plan Amendment SurgeryPlus (AlaskaCare)
- Employee Health Plan Appeal brochure (ben075a)
- Employee Insurance Information Booklet (AlaskaCare)
- Employee Open Enrollment Guide (AlaskaCare)
- Employer Audit Information (gen043)
- Employer Services – Employer Representative/Administrator Signature Card (gen030)
- Employer Services – LogonID Request (Political Subdivision) (gen012-polisub)
- Employer Services – LogonID Request (State) (gen012-state)
- Employer Toolkit – Deferred Compensation Online Registration Guide
- Employer Toolkit – PERS DCR Overview
- Employer Toolkit – Political Subdivision DCR New Employee Checklist
- Employer Toolkit – Political Subdivision Group Life Insurance Plan flyer
- Employer Toolkit – Select Your Beneficiary flyer
- Employer Toolkit – TRS DCR Overview
- EPORS - Special Systems Statutes and Regulations Booklet
- Evidence of Birthdate (02-823)
- Evidence of Birthdate for Spouse (02-823a)
- Health Benefits Enrollment/Waiver for Retirees or Benefit Recipients (Tier II & III with system-paid medical) (ben035)
- Health Coverage Continuation (COBRA) – AlaskaCare Employee (ben045)
- Health Coverage Continuation (COBRA) – AlaskaCare Retiree (ben047)
- Health Dependent Change (Retiree) (02-1854r)
- Health Flexible Spending Account - AlaskaCare (HFSA) Claim Form (Inspira Financial)
- Health Flexible Spending Account Payroll Deduction Worksheet (ben004)
- Health Plan Amendment 2018-1 (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Health Plan Amendment SurgeryPlus (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Health Plan Appeal brochure (Employee) (ben075a)
- Health Plan Appeal brochure (Retiree) (ben074a)
- HealthSmart - Request For Medical Records
- HIPAA Privacy Practices Notice
- Layoff Separation and Your Pension and Health Benefits (gen056)
- Leaving State Employment (PERS) brochure (pers024)
- Leaving State Employment (TRS) brochure (trs012)
- Life/AD&D Insurance flyer (Employer Toolkit)
- LogonID Request (Political Subdivision) – Employer Services (gen012-polisub)
- LogonID Request (State) – Employer Services (gen012-state)
- Long Term Disability
- Long-Term Care Plan Booklet (Bronze option)
- Long-Term Care Plan Booklet (Silver, Gold, and Platinum option)
- Long-Term Care Plan Health Questionnaire (ben065)
- Medical Claim Form - Aetna
- Medical Transport Services (AlaskaCare Retiree) brochure (ben109)
- Medicare and the AlaskaCare Retiree Health Plan brochure (ben076)
- Medicare Enrollment Verification (ben097)
- MetLife Retiree Life Insurance Certificate
- Military Service Credit Application (TRS) (02-830)
- Military Service Credit brochure (PERS) (pers027)
- Military Service Credit brochure (TRS) (trs033)
- Military Service Credit for Medical Benefit Eligibility Application for Peace Officer/Firefighter (PERS) (02-1897)
- Military Service Credit for Pension Benefit Calculation Application (PERS) (02-1895)
- Moda Appeal Form (Delta Dental of Alaska)
- Name Change Notice for Retirees and Deferred Members (gen047)
- National Guard and Naval Militia Retirement System (NGNMRS) Application for Retirement Benefits (02-1890)
- NGNMRS - Special Systems Statutes and Regulations Booklet
- Non-occupational Disability Benefits
- Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices
- The National Guard and Naval Militia Retirement System (NGNMRS) (ngnmrs001)
- Occupational Disability Benefits
- Office of Administrative Hearings
- Open Enrollment Guide (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Open Enrollment Guide (AlaskaCare Retiree DVA)
- Open Enrollment Guide (Voluntary Supplemental Benefits)
- Opioid Medication – Benefit Dispensing Information (ben095)
- Optional Life/Retiree Select Insurance Continuation Waiver (02-1858)
- Opt-Out Form/AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan (ben089)
- Optum Rx Medicare Part-D (EGWP) Prescription Drug Claim Form
- Optum Rx Member Complaint and Appeal Form
- Optum Rx Prescription Drug Claim Form
- Overview of Your Retirement Benefits (DCR) (dcr010)
- PERS Active Military Duty flyer
- PERS Actuarial Method Used to Calculate Termination Costs flyer
- PERS Alternate Option Verification of Service (pers021)
- PERS Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
- PERS Application for Alaska Bureau of Indian Affairs Service (pers016)
- PERS Application for Military Service Credit (02-1895)
- PERS Application for Military Service Credit for Medical Benefit Eligibility (02-1897)
- PERS Certification of Vocational Rehabilitation (pers045)
- PERS DCR Overview (Employer Toolkit)
- PERS Elected Official Participation/Waiver (02-1832)
- PERS Election of Standard or Alternate Option — Noncertificated (Classified) School Employee (pers004)
- PERS Employee Demographics (02-1861)
- PERS Employer Manual
- PERS Guidelines to Apply for Retirement brochure (pers041)
- PERS Leaving State Employment brochure (pers024)
- PERS Military Service Credit brochure (pers027)
- PERS Participation Agreement Amendment
- PERS Prior Peace Officer Service Verification Claim (pers033)
- PERS Reemployment of Disabled Employees Statutes
- PERS Regulations Booklet
- PERS Retirement Application Instruction Booklet (Tiers I, II, and III)
- PERS Retirement Benefits Election—66-2/3% Last Survivor Option
- PERS Rights of Spouses and Dependents brochure (pers055)
- PERS Standard Option-Reemployed Retiree (pers018)
- PERS Statutes Booklet
- PERS Temporary Service Credit brochure (pers029)
- PERS Temporary Service Verification/Claim (02-1882)
- PERS Termination Studies Flyer
- PERS Tier Chart
- PERS Understanding Death Benefits After Retirement –Tiers I, II and III brochure (pers056)
- PERS Understanding Death Benefits brochure (pers026)
- PERS Understanding Leave of Absence and Furlough brochure (pers052)
- PERS Verification of Part-time Hours and Salaries (pers022)
- PERS Verification of Salary (pers058)
- PERS Verification of Service (02-1883)
- PERS Village Public Safety Officer Service Verification/Claim (pers002)
- PERS Voluntary Employee Savings Plan Beneficiary Designation (pers051)
- PERS Voluntary Employee Savings Plan Enrollment, Change, Discontinuation or Withdrawal (pers050)
- PERS Voluntary Savings Plan brochure (pers048)
- PERS Waiver of Peace Officer/Fire Fighter Coverage (pers034)
- PERS Workers’ Compensation Claim and Verification (pers008)
- PERS Working After Retirement brochure (pers031)
- PERS Your Retirement Benefit Projection brochure (pers038)
- Pharmacy Plan Appeal - AlaskaCare Retiree (ben074c)
- Physician’s Certificate (Alaska Cost of Living Allowance) (gen023)
- Political Subdivision Beneficiary Designation (Voluntary Supplemental Benefits Life and AD&D) (ben013)
- Political Subdivision DCR New Employee Checklist (Employer Toolkit)
- Political Subdivision Group Life Enrollment (ben092)
- Political Subdivision Group Life Insurance Plan flyer (Employer Toolkit)
- Political Subdivisions – Group Health and Life Plan Participation Agreement
- Political Subdivisions – Sample of a Certified Resolution
- Premium Sheet – Full-Time Employee Select Benefits
- Premium Sheet – Part-Time Employee Select Benefits
- Premium Sheet – Voluntary Supplemental Benefits
- Prescription Drug Claim Form - Optum Rx
- Preventive Care Coverage Information (AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan)
- Preventive Care Womens' Coverage Information (AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan)
- Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) Tier I, II & III Information Handbook
- Reemployment of Disabled Employees Statutes (PERS)
- Refund Election (PERS Tiers I, II, III & TRS Tiers I, II) (gen008)
- Refunding Your Retirement Contributions brochure (gen026)
- Regulations Booklet – PERS
- Regulations Booklet – TRS
- Rehabilitative/Chiropractic Coverage: Four modality limit claim adjudication policy
- Rehabilitative/Chiropractic Coverage: Physical therapy multiple therapy reductions claim adjudication policy
- Request For Medical Records - HealthSmart
- Retiree Dental Plan Appeal brochure (ben074b)
- Retiree Health Dependent Change (02-1854r)
- Retiree Health Plan Appeal brochure (ben074a)
- Retiree Name Change Notice (gen047)
- Retiree Select/Optional Life Insurance Continuation Waiver (02-1858)
- Retirement Benefits Election – 66-2/3% Last Survivor Option (PERS) (66-2thrd)
- Retirement from the PERS/TRS Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) Plan brochure (dcr008)
- Rights of Spouses and Dependents brochure (PERS) (pers055)
- Rights of Spouses and Dependents brochure (TRS) (trs022)
- Sample of a Certified Resolution (Political Subdivisions)
- SBS-AP Political Subdivision Beneficiary Designation (Voluntary Supplemental Benefits (VSB) Life and AD&D) (ben013)
- SBS-AP Waiver of 60-Day Waiting Period Due to Financial Hardship (sbs005)
- Select Life Insurance with Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- Select Your Beneficiary flyer (Employer Toolkit)
- Short Term Disability
- Social Security, Medicare, and Your PERS/TRS Retirement Benefit brochure (gen049)
- Special Systems Statutes and Regulations Booklet (JRS, NGNMRS, and EPORS)
- Specialty Medication Received by Mail Coverage
- Spousal Waiver of Death Benefits (gen054)
- Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by Social Security (SSA-1945)
- Statutes Booklet – PERS
- Statutes Booklet – TRS
- Student Status Verification Form - Online Version
- Student Status Verification Form - Printable Version
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Consumer Choice Plan (30% Dependents) (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Consumer Choice Plan (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Economy Plan (30% Dependents) (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Economy Plan (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Standard Plan (30% Dependents) (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Standard Plan (AlaskaCare Employee)
- Supplemental Annuity Plan (SBS-AP) Information Booklet
- SurgeryPlus Employee Health Plan Amendment (AlaskaCare)
- Taxes and Your Benefits brochure (gen025)
- Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) Tiers I & II Information Handbook
- Temporary Service Credit brochure (PERS) (pers029)
- Terminating Employment to Retire brochure (gen069)
- Termination Costs flyer (PERS)
- Termination Studies Flyer (PERS)
- Travel Benefits brochure (AlaskaCare Retiree) (ben108)
- Travel Frequently Asked Questions - AlaskaCare Employee Flyer
- Travel Frequently Asked Questions - AlaskaCare Retiree Flyer
- TRS Active Military Duty flyer
- TRS Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
- TRS Application for Alaska Bureau of Indian Affairs Service (trs003)
- TRS Application for Military Service Credit (02-830)
- TRS Application for Outside Service Credit (trs031)
- TRS Certification of Leave of Absence Without Pay (trs005)
- TRS Claim and Verification of Unused Sick Leave Credit (trs021)
- TRS Claiming Service Credit brochure (trs015)
- TRS DCR Overview (Employer Toolkit)
- TRS Disability Benefits
- TRS Election/Waiver of Supplemental Contributions (trs019)
- TRS Employer Manual
- TRS Guidelines to Apply for Retirement brochure (trs027)
- TRS Leaving State Employment brochure (trs012)
- TRS Military Service Credit brochure (trs033)
- TRS Regulations Booklet
- TRS Retirement Application Instruction Booklet (Tiers I & II)
- TRS Rights of Spouses and Dependents brochure (trs022)
- TRS Salary Verification (02-803)
- TRS Standard Option-Reemployed Retiree (trs009)
- TRS Statutes Booklet
- TRS Tier Chart
- TRS Understanding Death Benefits brochure (trs020)
- TRS Verification of Service (02-808)
- TRS Workers’ Compensation and LWOP Claim and Verification (trs032)
- TRS Working After Retirement brochure (trs034)
- TRS Your Retirement Benefit Projection brochure (trs024)
- Verification of Student Status Form - Online Version
- Verification of Student Status Form - Printable Version
- Vision Claim Form - Aetna
- Voluntary Savings Plan Beneficiary Designation (pers051)
- Voluntary Savings Plan brochure (pers048)
- Voluntary Savings Plan Enrollment, Change, Discontinuation or Withdrawal (pers050)
- Voluntary Supplemental Benefits Premium Sheet
- Voluntary Supplemental Life Insurance
- Waiver of 60-day Waiting Period Due to Financial Hardship (SBS-AP) (sbs005)
- Waiver of the 60-day Waiting Period Due to Financial Hardship (PERS/TRS) (gen010)
- Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments- (W-4P)
- Working After Retirement (PERS) brochure (pers031)
- Working After Retirement (TRS) brochure (trs034)
- 02-803
- 02-808
- 02-823
- 02-823a
- 02-824a
- 02-830
- 02-1832
- 02-1854r
- 02-1858
- 02-1861
- 02-1882
- 02-1883
- 02-1890
- 02-1895
- 02-1896
- 02-1896a
- 02-1897
- 02-1900r
- 66-2thrd
- ben004
- ben013
- ben021
- ben030
- ben035
- ben043
- ben044
- ben045
- ben047
- ben049
- ben052
- ben065
- ben070
- ben074a
- ben074b
- ben074c
- ben075a
- ben075b
- ben076
- ben083
- ben089
- ben090
- ben091
- ben092
- ben094
- ben095
- ben097
- ben101
- ben103
- ben104
- ben106
- ben108
- ben109
- dcr006
- dcr008
- dcr010
- gen008
- gen010
- gen012-poli-sub
- gen012-state
- gen019
- gen020
- gen023
- gen024
- gen025
- gen026
- gen030
- gen034
- gen043
- gen045
- gen047
- gen049
- gen050
- gen051
- gen053
- gen054
- gen055
- gen056
- gen069
- gen070
- ngnmrs001
- pers002
- pers004
- pers008
- pers016
- pers018
- pers021
- pers022
- pers024
- pers026
- pers027
- pers029
- pers031
- pers033
- pers034
- pers036
- pers037
- pers038
- pers041
- pers045
- pers048
- pers050
- pers051
- pers052
- pers055
- pers056
- pers058
- sbs005
- ssa-1945
- trs003
- trs005
- trs009
- trs012
- trs015
- trs017
- trs019
- trs020
- trs021
- trs022
- trs024
- trs027
- trs031
- trs032
- trs033
- trs034
- W-4P
- AlaskaCare Defined Benefit Retiree Insurance Information Booklet
- AlaskaCare Defined Contribution Retiree Insurance Information Booklet
- AlaskaCare Employee Insurance Information Booklet
- Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) Information Booklet
- Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCR) (PERS/TRS) Handbook
- Judicial Retirement System (JRS) Retirement Application Instruction Booklet
- Open Enrollment Guide – AlaskaCare Employee
- PERS Employer Manual
- PERS Regulations Booklet
- PERS Retirement Application Instruction Booklet (Tiers I, II, & III)
- PERS Statutes Booklet
- Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) Information Handbook (Tiers I, II, & III)
- Special Systems Statutes and Regulations Booklet (JRS, NGNMRS, and EPORS)
- Supplemental Annuity Plan (SBS-AP) Information Booklet
- Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) Information Handbook (Tiers I & II)
- TRS Employer Manual
- TRS Regulations Booklet
- TRS Retirement Application Instruction Booklet (Tiers I & II)
- TRS Statutes Booklet
- Active Employee New Hire Enrollment (ben104)
- Alaska Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) (gen050)
- AlaskaCare Dental Plan Appeal – Employee (ben075b)
- AlaskaCare Dental Plan Appeal – Retiree (ben074b)
- AlaskaCare Health Coverage Continuation (COBRA) – Employee (ben045)
- AlaskaCare Health Coverage Continuation (COBRA) – Retiree (ben047)
- AlaskaCare Health Plan Appeal – Employee (ben075a)
- AlaskaCare Health Plan Appeal – Retiree (ben074a)
- AlaskaCare Pharmacy Plan Appeal - Retiree (ben074c)
- Bargaining Unit Deductible Carryover (ben106)
- Coordination of Benefits (ben070)
- Disability Insurance (ben044)
- Divorce or Dissolution and Your Retirement (gen024)
- Employer Audit Information (gen043)
- Health Flexible Spending Account (ben049)
- Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) (ben094)
- Layoff Separation and Your Pension and Health Benefits (gen056)
- Life Insurance (ben052)
- Medical Transport Services (ben109)
- Medicare and the AlaskaCare Retiree Health Plan (ben076)
- Office of Administrative Hearings (gen034)
- Opioid Medication – Benefit Dispensing Information (ben095)
- PERS Guidelines to Apply for Retirement (pers041)
- PERS Leaving State Employment (pers024)
- PERS Military Service Credit (pers027)
- PERS Rights of Spouses and Dependents (pers055)
- PERS Temporary Service Credit (pers029)
- PERS Understanding Leave of Absence and Furlough (pers052)
- PERS Voluntary Savings Plan (pers048)
- PERS Working After Retirement (pers031)
- PERS Your Retirement Benefit Projection (pers038)
- Refunding Your Retirement Contributions (gen026)
- Retirement from the PERS/TRS Defined Contribution Retirement (DCR) Plan (dcr008)
- Social Security, Medicare, and Your PERS/TRS Retirement Benefit (gen049)
- Taxes and Your Benefits (gen025)
- Travel Benefits (ben108)
- TRS Claiming Service Credit (trs015)
- TRS Guidelines to Apply for Retirement (trs027)
- TRS Leaving State Employment (trs012)
- TRS Military Service Credit (trs033)
- TRS Rights of Spouses and Dependents (trs022)
- TRS Working After Retirement (trs034)
- TRS Your Retirement Benefit Projection (trs024)
- Understanding PERS Death Benefits (pers026)
- Understanding TRS Death Benefits (trs020)
Other Publications
- Active Military Duty (PERS) flyer
- Active Military Duty (TRS) flyer
- Active Military Duty (JRS) flyer
- Alaska Target Retirement Trusts
- AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan Amendment 2018-1
- AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan Amendment SurgeryPlus
- AlaskaCare Employee Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Consumer Choice Plan
- AlaskaCare Employee Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Consumer Choice Plan (30% Dependents)
- AlaskaCare Employee Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Economy Plan
- AlaskaCare Employee Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Economy Plan (30% Dependents)
- AlaskaCare Employee Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Standard Plan
- AlaskaCare Employee Summary of Benefits and Coverage – Standard Plan (30% Dependents)
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) (PERS)
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) (TRS)
- Cervical Cancer Screening flyer
- Chiropractic/Rehabilitative Coverage: Four modality limit claim adjudication policy
- Chiropractic/Rehabilitative Coverage: Physical therapy multiple therapy reductions claim adjudication policy
- Coverage of Specialty Medication Received by Mail
- Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) Plan Document
- Employer Toolkit – Deferred Compensation Online Registration Guide
- Employer Toolkit – PERS DCR Overview
- Employer Toolkit – Political Subdivision DCR New Employee Checklist
- Employer Toolkit – Political Subdivision Group Life Insurance Plan flyer
- Employer Toolkit – Select Your Beneficiary flyer
- Employer Toolkit – TRS DCR Overview
- MetLife Retiree Life Insurance Certificate
- Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices
- PERS Actuarial Method Used to Calculate Termination Costs flyer
- PERS Reemployment of Disabled Employees Statutes
- PERS Termination Studies Flyer
- PERS Tier Chart
- Political Subdivisions – Group Health and Life Plan Participation Agreement
- Political Subdivisions – Sample of a Certified Resolution
- Premium Sheet – Full-Time Employee Select Benefits
- Premium Sheet – Part-Time Employee Select Benefits
- Premium Sheet – Voluntary Supplemental Benefits
- Preventive Care Coverage Information (AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan)
- Preventive Care Womens' Coverage Information (AlaskaCare Employee Health Plan)
- TRS Tier Chart
Page Last Modified: 12/09/24 15:03:41
EFT Advices-Printing Error
December 18, 2024
There was an error with printing EFT Advices for the December monthly benefit payment, click here to learn more.
Read MoreAlaskaCare Retiree Town Hall-December
December 16, 2024
Please join us for a Town Hall event today, December 19, 2024, 10 a.m. Alaska Time.
Read MoreNotice: Impact of System Outage on Retirement System Distribution Requests
November 30, 2024
The Division of Retirement and Benefits experienced a system outage in November, causing delays in approving Retirement System distribution requests.
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